ctrl v time!

Cf, its that time again!
Just take 5 seconds of ur time and ctrl+v so the whole world can see what u've been up to!
Here's mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBSSpCFlmr4&annotation_id=annotation_285976&feature=iv

image: 2486161650102492765ZuHfrR_ph

image: ctrl_v
Adam Lambert
i dont wanna click it xD
me does not trust u

e: i clicked it ..
Brazil vs The Netherlands (19 comments)
Posted by krypto on Friday 2nd July 2010, 12:35

i predict 2-0 for Brazil

Robinho and Fabiano. From now on im supporting Brazil and Argentina since Portugal was bashed for Spain which i think that was deserverd.

what about you?
get the fuck outta here krosan
how often in ur CF career u got nuked? :D
this is the first time
lol cant beliefe, thought its around 10 times ^_^
Wie wint de Tour : Contador
Wie eindigt 2e in de eindstand : A. Schleck
Wie eindigt 3e in de eindstand : Wiggins
Wie eindigt 4e in de eindstand : Armstrong
Wie eindigt 5e in de eindstand : Gesink
Wie wint de groene trui : Boasson Hagen
Wie wint de trui van beste jongere : Boasson Hagen
Wie wint de bolletjestrui : Contador
Wie wint het meeste ritten : Contador
Welke ploeg wint het ploegenklassement : Radioshack
Mykelti Williamson
low+ brain med aim merc avi
acc: eros25
pass: 181283

dude, i love you
what did i do :O
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