what's wrong with...

...this fucking weather :/

nearly 35 degrees during this day, near Hamburg (north of germany)! defenetly too much -.-

i became so sweaty just after screwing in only one screw at 8 a.m. at work this morning lol...

image: i_dl_st

Hamburg Finkenwerder: 32 °C
its been 34 all day in Hasselt
It's called global warming.
global warming
It's called: Go to beach,swim,drink beer.
Its called work.
you working @ beach?
ye, next time i will tell my boss, thanks for info.
haha ich hab venitlatoren und ne klimaanlage auf der arbeit :D
ich hab....zugluft mit bissl glück. und selbst dann ists eher warm als kühl :D
2012 is coming :) the world is going to erase us for the sake of itself !!
just sit home behind your pc with an air conditioner and stop whining
31 degrees in Berlin :)))) tomorrow probably 37 ;o :x

It's summer, normal weather tbh :D
its insane, im only wearing my tigerstring and still im melting and my head is about to blow cuz of overheating, shit son
move here over the arctic circle and you dont have such a problems :D
last weekend it was 40+ in Moscow
was so damn hot :S
now 28-30, perfect weather but not in the damn city :E
i have today 30 deegres in my city :]
Yeah, I've been working on the field all week near Flensburg, it was way too hot.
-17 C at the sea ? 0_o
obviously sea frozen
Global disaster incoming mate :D

38 C here at Nice, France :P
36 Antwerp;
Buy yourself a pool mate.
such a waste of money
Vous pouvez nager 10 fois par an en Belgique, parce qu'il ne fait jamais beau. Oui, 10 fois en été et c'est ça. Les frais sont plus élevés pour seulement 10 fois., je trouve.
Yes but I think this summer will be somethingelse.
That's why it's the first time in 3 years I bought one. :D
btw, I don't speak alot of french, only basics ;D.
Oh, oke :)
Well, at least you know what I mean.
I don't like the heath of the sun at the moment, it is just way too hot. And then it is really nice to have a refreshment, such as a pool. But it costs fortune, doesn't it? If you have a bad year, like this year (freezing cold until march?), why would you spend so much money to it? Everyone his own choice, of course, but I think it's kind of a waste of money ;p
Depends on what you want to use it for,
If you want a pool for refreshment you can go to cheap stores
which has great swimming pools imo.
I bought a great one for like 80 euros.
3m on 2m so,
That's nice, but I meant actually a pool, dimension 8 x 4 or something? I don't know anything about it :)
well those are rare ;D
If you want one with this size you should
built one in the ground.
And that's what costs enormously much money.
idd, also to take care of the water etc,. :)
But this became an extreme long "discussion" about
something not so usefull ;D.
QuoteIt was 45 degrees in my homeland of Somalia, I walked 15 miles to get a bucket of water only to walk 15 miles back and be afraid of a number of deseases I could get from this water. I have HIV and so has my entire tribe since we are to cheap to accept free condoms.

But you don't hear me complain.
starts raining at the south of the Netherlands atm :)
37°c tomorrow :(
I hope my pc won't die
Is your pc outside?
no but in winter it's around 15°c inside and now it's like 26°c
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