Uruguay - Ghana

Who are your favorites for this game? What are your bets?

I bet 2-1 for Uruguay.

shit game like most of the matches in South Africa. 0 1 or 1 0 or something like that
uruguay 2-1
Uruguay will go through, no doubts about that.
1-0 uruguay
i hope ghana wins
no idea ^__^
Ghana, dno the score.
//probably penalties
Lol, that nigger that said that stuff about eliminating discrimination couldn't even fucking read.
"say no to racism"

good joke
1-0 Ghana
2-1 ghana
Nice shot, but keeper could do better i guess :s. Although his view may have been blocked.
Not really. I think noone expected Muntari to shoot, Gyan duck away just in the right second, the ball swerved into the right corner at a mean angle and the keeper was moving into the wrong direction and stretched as much as he could. Just a skilled but lucky shot.
it could be 3-0 already :x
but they are a lil bit unlucky today.
ghana :))!
Ghana is taking the victory .. 3-1 :)
2-1 ghana or 1-0 uruguay
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