So you think you had a hard childhood?

So you think you had a hard childhood?

Well F*** YOU, it’s got nothing on mine. My mom practically kicked my ass out of the house before I even hit 13, and I never even met my dad. My only friend till I was 10 was the faggot prick next store who was always beating the shit out of me and telling me I wasn’t worth shit. Its not even like I had a choice, the town fucking had something like 9 people living in it, I shit you not. My entire adolescence was moving around from place to place trying to get along with people who didn’t even want me.

You think that’s the worst? My only friend was an Asian guy in his thirties or something, who only kept me around because he thought I could help him get laid. The only perk was that I also got to hang around with this cute ginger chick, she was flat as a pancake sure, but damn she was a total nymph. She must have been a sadist or something cause she always took pleasure in hitting me and telling me how she loved to get wet.

But dear god the bane of my existence was this adult couple that I could NOT seem to avoid. You know these types of couples that are absolutely sickening, like they wear matching outfits and finish each other’s sentences? Yeah they were fucking creepers, and they had a cat, which was at least twice as annoying as they were, I swear this thing would never shut the fuck up.

Like I said, I ended up moving from town to town getting into fights with other kids my age, even adults from time to time.

The only thing that kept me going was my dream to become a pokemon master.

I got a warning from my parents once.
epic copypasta
My mum gets mad if she doesnt cook for me.

asians are cool btw i have a korean friend too
Be careful it might get funny if you push it too hard
I read it, giggled at the end, read again, realised it was actually quite accurate and giggled even more.
Haha so true, same here
posting this on facebook lolol

fuck its too long

While you're reading this, don't judge me.

First of all, just for some background; My mom died right when I was born. I actually grew up with my dad's family because he had some emotional issues and bailed on me. My childhood was kind of messed up. I've always felt like there was a lot of distance between me and my sister. When I was 18 I noticed what a hottie she was.

I don't want to go into detail but it happened when I found a video of her that she made herself. Of course it wasn't intended for me but I watched it twice. I would have probably watched it more but all this crazy shi- went on and I had to leave home. My dad's family was in trouble with the law...I never talk about it. I was lusting for my sister at that point and she also had trouble with the law. She was actually in custody when I left home.

My friend and I went to pick her up and when I saw her, to be honest I just wanted to f-ck her brains out. Looking back to it I think she had feelings for me. She actually kissed right after we came to get her. It wasn't a sisterly kiss or anything romantic but it was definitely hinting at something.

After we left we crashed at my sister's place. On the way there my friend implied that he wanted to get with my sister, which got me a little bit jealous. He's a good looking guy, and even if she was my sister I felt like he was competition. Nothing much happened later on except maybe some sexy hugging.

Pretty much everyone in my life at that point was wanted by the government so we had to move a lot. I'm not saying that I'm proud of it, but it was kind of an awesome time.

My friend and my sister never got around hooking up, but I thought there was some serious sexual tension between them. It was around that time when I got into an accident and got hurt really bad. I almost died but my sister came to see me recover. To make this even better, out of the clear blue sky she started giving me this slow kiss on the lips.

Sadly, nothing happened beyond that. When we spent some time apart, I started to get really really religious and thought that I was all over her. Like a year after or so, the feeling came back when we were sailing. She was wearing the hottest bikini ever. However, a little while after that she wound up with my friend and I wasn't surprised because of the sexual tension.

Even when she was tied up with my friend, there was some time at a party where my friend was inside and we were outside alone. It was really an intimate moment none the less. I think something might have happened except when I killed the mood when I told her that Darth Vader was our father and I had to go kill him.

Thanks for reading.
only read the first couple of lines


pix of ur sis

Read it all. its worth it.
ur trolling

wtf ur deleting my comment for?
I deleted about 40 comments that said GTFO NO ET in the sapphire movie contest, because ET is now allowed.
they should allow it
btw, when ur online, could u help me with this:
Made me lol xD
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