weak video
what a shit language
he saved his team
fukken saved
he could have headed it i think
he should get lifetime CB ban ! :D:D
THat would destroy him
what a prick
Don't understand why everyone flaming, I was cheering Ghana aswell, but i have to say that what Suarez did was just incredible smart move. You wouldn't cry, if Ghana would have won.
Suarez is great, he handled the situation well.
would have still called him a cheating cunt, its a ridiculous thing to do, i know hes pretty much saved his country from being knocked out, but i personally think thats a fuckin disgraceful way to do it... to cheat on a level like that is ridiculous in my eyes
Suarez didn't cheat.
This is the explanation:
Cheat: Use your hands to score.
No Cheat: Use your hands to prevent a goal.
Also, if you use your hands to prevent a goal then you got a penalization which is, a Red card and a Penalty Kick.

Suarez keow that and did it his own risk
Hoe can you say that he hasn't cheated, if it was allowed to simply use your hands like that then people would never get pinged for using their hands for stopping the ball in the mid field whether they were going to score or not even anywhere near the goal, the sport is FOOTball not HANDball it's pretty clear to me that by using his hands to handle the ball when you aren't the goal keeper is pretty much obvious cheating :D I can't believe you even suggested that... I hate the sport and even I can understand how obvious this is...
Breaking the rules is not synonym for cheating. Cheating means lying.
so by that logic every single player in football history was a cheater
you just mad cus uruguay won
When your in the QF of a world cup and you have the chance of saving your country by holding that ball off the line everyone would do the same. It's stronger then yourself to do everything to keep the ball of not going in the goal. It's an instinct reaction.

For me it's not cheating.
breaking the rules =/= cheating
once again, you should only blame Gyan, noone else!
Once again ?
fucking niggers cant hit shit...cuz theyre just hatin on em cuz theyre of a different race....inb4 racist
guayest world cup ever

final will be uruguay vs paraguay
Best red card ever : D
Noo, I remember an U-21 (World Cup I think) game Portugal vs randoms where one player was sent off for stealing a card from the ref :D Thats the best red card ever!
e: found that!
LOL, I remember that : D
cheating faggot, no fairplay at all.
well if i had the choice between just looking at the ball going in the net or punching them out with the chance of getting a redcard + penalty for the opponent in 120st minute my choise would be made quickly!
hand of god :)
bb maradona, we dont need you anymore
Fucking disgrace, they didn´t deserve it -_-
While it's understandable why he did it, it's still pretty fucking dishonourable :/

There should be more harsh penalties for something like this
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