why the frenchies suck at english

am kinda bored so i'll just post this random mistake.

image: 28umb5t

oh c'mon, "spoked", is he serious?

Their (the frenchies) skill of English is as bad as their performance on the wc..
troll.. he obviously ment the past time of the verb "to speak"
Meant* Mister I'm better in English than French people.
yuuuuuu homie
hey stijn, wassup?
ni al te veel he :D goe gevierd da holland door is xD
ben je ook voor hun? alleszins ik ook dan :) keb gelijk nog zin om dinsdag eens na nl te gaan om mee te gaan supporteren ergens random ofzo :D
ja kben da ook vn plan is ni al te ver voor mij :D die oranjegekte daar is gwn geniaal :D staan tenminste met hun alle achter hun land xD

k ben eiglek vooral voor hun sinds da stom wuppie liedje :D da was gewoon te geniaal voor woorde
idd egt zalig. Zie ik nooit in belgie gebeuren. geef eens een link van dat wuppie lied :p
except for me :DD
nice pic, but you know, if you piss in the water, it will make more sound :p so you should piss not in the water but just a bit near it, on the stone
same thing i do
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niggerenglishmen are so fuckingn mad right now LOL he delleditng journals becaus ehe is jewish -,-
It's their FRENCH PRIDE that prohibits them from properly learning any other languages than French and being an arrogant asshole towards anyone who is not french.
Normal, on est les meilleurs.

yoooo terra :D
Yoooooo! gonna buy my ticket for Dour asap!
I might be going only first day, seeing as most dnb acts are that day and the 2 days after that I have another festival planned with TC .....
haha ok yeah I'm going just for the first day too.. gonna be siiiiiiick :-)
yes i'm also looking forward to it :D especially BSE :)

last year the dour lineup was Spor, Chris Renegade, Andy C, Qemists and some others :D that was totally amazing
Ahhhhhhh no wonder it was amazing! just a few questions.. : how's the place? hard to grab beers/food? is it expensive? :)
expensive, just as expensive as other places I guess :)
it's a pretty big place yes but also rly nice, the camping is amazing! annd to get beer its never hard :p

u should come to TC and Covox and DOIYY with me after it:p free festival ftw
Hahaha! where's the next festival you go? :D thanks for the quick answers ;)
Dour is the first for me I think :E then Rock Herk, Tomorrowland, (Evol Intent live; not festival), Reggae Geel, Pukkelpop, Houza Palooza.

and other good parties :D
a bit stereotypistic but it is true in most cases :p like the comment above me proves!
Totally agree with you, the only european retards that if you try to speak them in english they will answer in french always even if they know english, and if they have to ask something in another country, they will do it in french expecting that everyone has to know that shit language.

You just have to watch their number of votes to extreme right.
hahahaha yeah :D
thus spake God
so after a comment from a random, you can say all french sucks
the god speaked
France: the cradle of the literature
he wasnt beeing serious .
Imo, one guy who made a mistake don't mean every french suck in english. Even tho i agree that the english level in france is kinda pathetic.
"don't man"

two guys now :D

haha just kidding, the overall level of english is indeed pathetic, and also their pronounciation, i can hardly understand any frenchie when he's talking english
That's because you're too awesome!
yeah you are right, why didn't i think of that
well true, my accent is quite horrible, even tho i write it very fluently
i think thats due to we learn at school too much writing, we don't really speak the language but we write it more. The same thing is in belgium when we learn french (our mother tongue is dutch), we know all the tenses and so on and we can form it, and in class we just do exercices in the book, but the real thing is we can't talk good enough french for the most random things when you would talk to one, rly. we don't practice enough how to really form your sentences and just talk without thinking how to form the sentence you are trying to form. :) pretty bad write up here but i hope you know what i mean, because thats the biggest problem when most ppl learn a language, i personally think that we need to speak more instead of just sitting silent behind your desk with that book.
yup, true, we barely make sentences by speaking in class. And most of vocabulary i learnt is due to ET. I'm playing this game since 8 years so i learnt quite fast.
NO NO NO we speak the english very very good!!
chut the fouck up!
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