Help me(again)

So, I deleted my old journal cuz I solved those problems already.

QuoteI want to try to make my own fragmovie or maybe for someone else, but I just started screwing around with everything yesterday :P
But I already have a problem :o)

When I start a demo from the Ultraviolet Mediamanager, it says: could not open //demoname_dm.82 I figured that out, but now Im getting: could not load map /sw_goldrush_te.bsp

Its kinda frustrating cuz I cant record any demo's now :_( I've installed a new ET for Moviemaking ofc, plus FiLuS his movieconfig. I've downloaded the ET from a random site, so not with the installer or smtn. I also copied my own ETPRO file to the new ET map.

I hope you can help me! :)

Btw, leave a msg here, pm me or find me in #saiko

So, I solved those 2 problems, but now Im getting: et.exe isnt responding anymore. So my ET keeps crashing. It wont play any of the fragsprees, and when I play the entire demo, ET crashes right after the warmup.


image: 128868030389680016
you dont have any decent frags anyways
ure using a different ET for moviemaking?
u shud remove the current et ure using for muwiemaking, and dl agons muwiepack, and use that ET (wich is in the pack)
already did that, ET just crashes
hmmm, uhmmm, what outside programs do u use?
Ultraviolet Demo Decoder, uv Moviemod, and the stuff ag0n has added in that pack. I didnt used them tho, cuz atm Im not even able to record a frag :<
what did u do to solve those two problems? obviously u changed the type to dm.84, wich is alright and shudnt cause troubles, so something u did the solve the bsp thingy crashed ure ET i suppose? i see no other way how it cudve happend

i also had a time that my (normal) et crashed right after booting, the only hting wich solved that was a format tho x]
well, the demotype was already .dm_84 but ET changed that by itself as soon as I opened ET. So I downloaded ET again, and it worked after that. The .bsp problem, I solved that by adding new .pk3 files, cuz I figured it had something to do with the maps :o)
I could watch frags after that, but at one point it suddenly crashed :-(
im installing that ET moviemaking pack from ag0n again.

But my virusscanner detected a virus in it lol?
theres no virus, most likely the moviemakerhack is seen as a virus or so
ur meh only help :DD
you dont have any decent frags anyways
I wont help you, and u know why
cuz i knifed u?

but also its too hot, and I didnt read :D
I did read it now, but I cant halp ya, sorry :)
k, no worries
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