My new electro track is ready

have a listen. I only worked a few hours on it so far so there is still a lot of room for improvements, especially the mastering.

My favorite part begins at 7:15, so if you think the first part is boring, just skip :D

short version:
ear cancer :s
made me sleepy
rough around the edges
feels more like a trance song put over a electro bassline, the melodies are cool but rough as i said. try a progressive beat which imo works better with melodies than the electro noise.
there isn't even a real bassline :P
the beginning isnt nice ( not clear sound ) -> dont like the first seconds.
later the bassline is quite good, but it sounds like amateurmusic..make it more special.
voicepart is well done

all in all not bad but it gets boring after some minutes :y

try to make it more special with clear parts and nice transitions and stuff........(ka heb den bass an manchen stellen mehr heraus. bzw fang langsam an und ziele auf nen höhepunkt)
Like m1ke said, its rough even tho I like the beat, just those "switches" between right and left at the beginning are wierd
Stop it, stop destroying music.
it's not rly my cup of tea that dance shit, but I have to admit like once it made me tap my feet... :D
next time you should make it longer though, 10 minutes is too short for any song.

who is the voice btw?
how does ireland like the fact france did so terrible in wc? :D
They love it! All the pundits on tv do too say it was deserved :)
The voice is Tigarah, a Japanese ghetto rap bitch
I see... but I sill think my sexy voice would be best used in ur next song
du solltest dich benedict gay nennen
alles klar arschlight
more like trance, but it aint bad
ur favourite part is also my favourite :) like the distorted synths, decent melodie. the vocal is quite annoying but fits the whole pretty good.
though 11 min is way too long. i`d shorten the first part and give more drive to the bassline.
I have a version with only the last part :D
gief!!!! naow
thanks alot, will play it :)
lets see how it goes :P
edit: oh its 128 kbit/s forget about it :D
just for you i'll upload a 256k version :P
this isnt either
its dirty electro house, most annoying music around.
didn't read when i saw 'dirty'
using sidechain?
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