Summertime journal!

Dear crossfire fellowship.

As I have finished all my exams, earned some money and as the summertime has finally arrived, I am confronted with the good old issue:

"How the fuck do I get my alcohol cold"

We were grilling yesterday at my place and as we all like our beer cold we put it into the freezer, waited for an hour and it was at the perfect temperature.

BUT!!!! How long can I put my stuff in the the freezer before the bottle explodes?

I want to know your experience, knowledge, tipps for that and wish you a nice summer.
Beer, 0.33l, 4,9% vol = 12 hrs??

No way^^
just don't freeze the beer .
I dont freeze it neither, I just like it cold. and the fastest way gettin it cold is puttin it into the freezer for a while.
a fridge
already surprised the beer lasted an hour, u mustve a bad freezer, well id say the same time for other week alcohol drinks then, everything around 30/40% alcohol can lay forever in a freezer
nope, it aint bad. it is at -19°C atm. Try yourself. Beer last an hour easyly
Already did, and its almost frozen at like 30m in our freezer x)
then ur beer sucks :D
I dont really know about beer, but liquor (vodka etc) can be in there for a long long time.
Gas Kühlbox regelt:P
beer 6 hours max
as with the others not much beer experience :X I've lived with fridge, not freezer chilled beer anyways
Drink cider, use ice, probelm solved.
Put your beer in the freezer for 1/2 hour, then put it in the fridge. Doing this for years
Hey meez!
The last time this was funny was in 2007 I think ... welcome to the past fag :)
get a bowl or a bucket. put ice and water in it, preferably cold water. the add salt to it. put ur beers in and stir it around for like 2 minutes. take it out. perfect temperature!

laws of thermodynamics ftw
i had a 4.2 beer lasting a month...
I keep my beers in the fridge...Got some 30% alcohol at the freezer who lasts there for ever, and I don't like them at all (Jagermiester, lemon liker[toooo sweet])
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