LOOOOOOOOL what the.....

Just been to a fucked up house party.............

Went there are like 7 pm yesterday, shit went down. His house got trashed, we took a radiator from somewhere, there was alcohol and ketchup all over the walls, all fences were were broken etc. Police were called so we all ran over some wall and also the kid who owns the house - his dad and nan came home so we had to run from them and someone pushed his nan over :dd We was only at the house for like 2 hours then we all went to some huge park to drink more booze. there was like 100 people at the park drinking so some police came to watch us and make sure nothing happened, sme girl fell in the river ":D" Then i went back to my girlfriends house for about an hour and on the way back some girl gave me some polish vodka :| and then i came home to sleep for a bit, now i am here with my mate some how awake at 7:30 am -_-

how was ur day?
I bet this will really amuse people who are 12 or 13. However, i guess i'm too mature to find this funny since i own a house myself and would rage if my 'friends' would fuck it up like that, and tbh, if anyone would pull a radiator from my wall i'd fuck him up so bad he'd have to spend the rest of his live cruising around in his wheelchair.

anyway, the day has just started for me so maybe ask again in a few hours how my day was.
the radiator was loose tbh, not our fault :_D

E: our 'friend' knew the consequences of having a party like that in his really small house and inviting over 100 people :P
when someone invites me to a party i /usually/ have the decency to respect the interior and furniture of the property where i'm invited at, even if there was a loose radiator with a sign saying 'lift me and throw me around' i wouldnt take it personal cuz it simply doesnt belong to me, in my opinion thats just a lack of manners and i wont blame the kids at the party, the one to blame are the parents of those mongols who obviously failed at raising their kids and learning them to have a little respect for certain stuff
tbh, his house isnt even worth caring for, seeing as they dont even care for it themselves. TRhe guys bedroom is literally a bed and a tv, NOTHING ELSE. Its not even the kids house, its his dad's and his dad said he didnt care cus he owed him a big favour ;d
why the fuck would you guys and the kiddo who lived there run off like chickens then if his parents show up, if he was allowed to torn down the place bcuz of 'a big favour' i wouldhave atleast waited for the father to see it and make pictures of the look on his face
police were called cus of bottles being thrown at houses and such, thats why we ran :D
so your actually saying that his dad was a police officer since 'his dad and nan came home so we had to run from them and someone pushed his nan over :dd'
nowadays ppl don't respect anything anymore. If you go invited to a party, atleast havethe descence to respect his house/furniture/...
Not funny and poof of immaturity. you 150% right!
there are people who do respect these things, i guess that kid only invited people with brains that equal hollow seashells, and for some reason i think they all happened to be in the same class or school (read: school for mongols and other braindead species)
"i guess that kid only invited people with brains that equal hollow seashells" LOLD SO FKING MUCH xD thx 4 that!
"Police were called so we all ran over some wall"
But, how can you run into his parents who come home if you already ran away because the police were coming, it must have been a small shitty house with a huge yard then, I'm confused now.
when i say 'we' i mean everyone from the party, some ran from the police (me and my mates) and some from his parents, as we got told later, sorry for being confusing as i am not really 'with it' at the moment :P
You tell him Gio :D
godverdomme shit maakt me nog BOOS ook op de vroege morge man, vroeger leerde ze je zulke shit wel met de zweep nondejuu, klets klets klets op je blote bille dan blafte je wel anders.

en wtf doe jij met een jerman vlag?
voor het WK hé man, die Duitsers spelen alles en iedereen naar huis. klets klets klets op de blote billen en Maradonna blafte wel anders.
jij hep nie eens nederlandse vlag man, wies dan de verraaier?
italie ligt er al uit knuppel, verder laat voetbal me koud en heeft mijn vlag nix met 't wk te doen, in tegenstelling tot jouw vlag die eigenlijk roodwitblauw moet zijn, maar nee sluit je maar aan bij die verrekte nazi's en je zult er gauw genoeg achterkomen wat er gebeuren zal, dus jij bent de enige veraaier! en nu bakkes.
maar ik ben Belg en moet niks hebbe van die keeskoppe van boven de Moerdijk...
nuja ik normaal ook niet maar alles beter dan dat klootvolk ten oosten van ons
racistbot detected several threads from user "Giovanni"
germans arent a race, they're inhabitants of a country which has several racial groups, so its hate against a country, which doesnt have anything to do with racism at all.
every country has such groups. doesn't matter how you say it, you hate the germans in total which makes you a racist aangezien je zegt volk, en volk kan je ook zien als een ras
nope, when your talking about the people who're living in a country it doesnt have anything to do with a race, it depends on genetics to which race you belong, not where you were born or live, i dont hate all germans tho, its the attitude of most german males which i hate
i rly don't think so many male germans are neofacists? what makes you say that?
its not about facism, its the attitude they have and they way they act in general, there are exceptions ofcourse, but most male german males i've met acted all the same, very egoistic, selfish, big ego and claiming that germany is the best and everything else sucks, they are always right and if you dont agree and try to tell them your opinion they will just start to talk louder so they get over your voice and can continue to say what they were talking about, while not even caring about your opinion, also almost every sentence they say starts with 'me' and everything they have is bigger or better, thats some of the reasons why i hate most of them, and as i've said there's also exceptions, i've met some nice germans as well already so not everyone should feel offended by this, i just base it on the majority who i've met who behaved like this, but i've maybe met allot of 'bad' germans and judge too fast.
i hope so. well the only 3 germans i know are normal :) but i respect your argumentation, thought it is based on pathology
well i live close to the german border so, maybe my first replies where a bit kortdoordebocht en beetje slecht uitgedrukt maar da's een gewoonte om te roepen dat ik alle duitsers haat en dat ze allemaal kapot moeten ^^ vind de reacties van sommige wel grappig alhoewel het mss een beetje provoceren is nu en dan :D
ik heb hetzelfde maar beetje met fransen, kijk dit

hehe, doet me denken aan mn eigen topic tijdje terug:

cool story, bullshits =]
non of that is bullshit -_-
Everything on the internet is bullshit.
friend called, we went to the beach party, was fun. (short version)
just sad
doe is nie zo ouwbollig man, das toch gaaf wat die jonge presteerde?
nee tis gewoon zielig, totaal geen respect die kinderen van tegenwoordig.

12 hours computer / 10 hours sleep / 2 hours doing nothing
Quotesome girl gave me some polish vodka

wodka or something, at least thats what she said it was, t was a bad idea :|
u are to low for polish vodka :P
It was pretty good tbh :D
and for some reason i think they all happened to be in the same class or school (read: school for mongols and other braindead species)
which vodka?
i didnt see what it was called, she just told me it was polish vodka :_D

only remember that it was brown coloured :S
it was shit mixed with some orange juice
oh my god :D
this is what you get when you try to be a cool kid by drinking alcohol
sony vegas does not count as a girlfriend!
was editing my upcoming movie
"Went there are like 7 pm yesterday"

what the
awesome, weren't you scared?
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