
today i dreamed maus cause he dont think
I dreamt of your skill in my hands.
I dreamed my work was over, then I woke up and was like "shit, 4 more weeks :X"
I was holding up the FIFA World Cup and everybody was happy and the people were crying (tears of joy) and dancing and kissing.

Ah, magical evening it will be.
I drank some vodka and then Kaczynski won election so I killed myself
I saw 1 mate drinking beer and eatin christmasmeal on Goldrush side, then he asked "Miluu do u want to taste" then i tasted and went buy same beer
I dreamed i fall out my bed, and it came truee
you felt ur bed? perverd
dreamed that a girl made a photo inside her mouth, gave it to me and was happy then lol
i didnt dream this night, it went over to fast

7.30 i had to go up, to be on the pitch 9am, for a nice training!
i dont like dreaming, it makes you restless
can't remember :-/
Dreamed that i was playing tennis on a footballfield. and i lost, bcus i missed a penalty :(
the wut`? D:
drempt that i murdered someone with a parker pen by stabbing them in their neck
what the :-D
it was so real that i still remember how it feels to push it into their neck, even felt the flesh separate :X
thats pretty sick :/
yeah i must be quite fucked up :D
damn, we are the same...
most of the times i have such dreams :D
yeah this isnt unusual for me :d it didnt end at just stabbing the neck tho, i went into a frenzy and stabbed him all over :\ but to be fair i was lost in a city with floating rocks and he was following me ^^
haha omg :D daily stuff!
blowing up the moon sounds like a awesome one tho:D what did you use? nades? :d
no O.o, some blue random stuff :/
the funny thing is that we came back to earth and were catching the falling pieces 'duh'
hahahaa well yeah of course you gota catch the peices! be responsible n all that o.O

good times
fuckin' hell that's pretty psyKotic HOHOHOHO
BANG with the originality ;)
once I was murdered by mexican mafia, shit was so real that I felt like dying myself. Those dreams happenes sometimes.
i know what you mean. it was so real that i actually feel like i know what its like to murder someone now :D
Does it feel great ? >:D
i felt like Uma Thurman in pulp fiction after they shoot adrenalin in her heart
u fucking wierdo, love u x
hahaha <3

soo, when the hell are you back in malta now!?
i dont even know... prolly end of august or beginning september

i Dreamt that i was being stabbed in the neck with a BLUE parker pen by some weird welsh guy... no fucking joke :S Deja vu? wtf lol... when i woke up i felt all around my body, as i did feel asif it happened :S

thats completely fucked up that i dreamt i was on the receiving end.. fate? :D
something about cats cant remember well
zeg motta, je hebt me nog niet voorgestelt aan haar?
kende ik haar maar! Tess Milne
werkt ze in de volwassenencultuur dan?
VJ bij TMF!
she is so beautiful :|
ure music taste is horrible
ahha, so true
dreamed that I was running faster than Sonic and couldn't stop running and fell of a cliff. and woke up shockingly, like :--------OOOOOOOOOO and all the sweat drippin on my sexy body, cuz it was so hot wtf
you sweated just because you are fat
I dreamed that Cupra and I had anal sex.
ur music taste rockz biest :DDD
I went out to move my car cause it was parked to wrong spot. I had been drinking and I had friends over and we were gonna smoke pot. I went to move the car when I saw policeman was walking to me and I thought he was gonna bust me cause I had joint in my pocket. Anyways he asked if I had seen anything suspicious since there had been a robbery. I said I didnt but for some reason we checked back of my car and there were 2 men there. I started punching other dude and when I was beating shit out of him he turned into a dog.

thats what I can remember..
well as far as i remember a random girl with a green top (:D?!) ringed at my door and sayed she wanna fuck, 'cause shes so horny, and the next i remember is i throtteled her.. more i cant remember o_O''
would be better idd
like your taste of music!
but that christian dude is awfull..
I dreamed of luis suarez playing as a goalie for manchester united
I bought a nice sweat Ralph Lauren, and I was pretty happy because it seems to be real... But when I woken up I've cried a bit... So I tried to dream again...

dreamed that i was jumping around our house and somebody killed me and then he pissed my body :((
was dreaming about left4dead 2 days a go :|
need some good new albums (gimme)
That I had a new German teacher and he was a fucking retard.
Me: I blew up mAus with 2 mates > wtf?
I dreamed I was playing Left 4 Dead 2 in real life, was so scary > : |
i dreamt i was on some planet where everyone walked around with a smile and all people would greet you politely, the place was covered with great flowers and everywhere you'd watch there was nice flora, there was a mountain which you could climb and a huge waterfall, it wasnt water though which flowed in it but it was actually orange juice, however there were still swimming fishes in it which looked quite happy as well, i've never seen fish have a happy face but these fishes had em somehow, so i walked upto this orange river and there were counters next to it which had glasses on it, so i asked a man with a very long beard who was sitting near the river if i was allowed to drink some orangejuice out of the river and he said ofcourse, thats one of the reasons its here for! So i smiled at the old man and took a glass and filled it, it was the best orange juice i've ever had, so i nodded and smiled at the man and said goodbye, he did some weird moves with his hands and said something in a language i didnt understand, it sounded very nice though, so i continued my journey and came in a forest with one flower more beautiful as the other, then this girl who looked like an angel showed up and she had a cute yellow dress, around her neck was a necklace made of fresh flowers, so i asked her how she was doing and she answered, you must be new here, because people who been here for a while know there's no use to ask it since everyone here is doing great and we dont have reasons to complain, so i smiled and said alright, good day to you then, she smiled back at me and took a necklace made of orange flowers which she put around my neck, i continued walking trough the forest and i gazed so much at the amazing things i've seen, my jaws started to hurt. I got a little tired of walking and all of a sudden this man with a cart and a horse in front of it appeared and asked if i needed a ride, so i said sure and asked where are you heading to, he smiled and said wherever you want! I told him i had no idea since i didnt knew this place that well yet and he said he would bring me to a more crowded area, so we travelled a while trough some fields which had flowers with an amazing smell, after a while we arrived in a little city where in the middle was a towncenter, people were sitting in a big circle and some of them had instruments and played some very peacefull sounding music, i layed down next to some others and enjoyed listening the music, next to me were some people preparing food and handing it around to anyone who'd want something to eat, there were lovely girls walking around with various drinks, i've accepted some food which tasted delicious and drank a little after, then some of people started to dance again, an old man with a long grey beard appeared and started to talk about some stuff i didnt understand, when he was done every clapped and the people who were standing bowed for him, when he left they all started to dance again and right about then a girl appeared and told me to follow her, she brought me to a nice little house and she said that it was mine, so i went inside to see how it'd look and there was a note on the table which said i had to add stuff on it which i'd like to appear in the house and that i had to throw the note in the big basket at the townsquare, so i checked out the house and it actually had enough in it already, i layed down on the couch and after turning on some music, i fell asleep.

and thats when i woke up and realized i was still at earth, right about then i raged and smashed my fists into the wall untill it bleeded.
cool dream, really nice to read :)
my dream was one fucking big mess so i cant explain it
Had 2 dreams

First: I enjoyed watching a house that was on fire with the girl i luv

Second: I was my own world of warcraft char and i defeated the lich king!
i was dreaming about a chick i know very well, we walked around at the night for like hours and hours, then she suddenly dissapeard and i woke up....

and raged ofc..
Blond girl started to make me blow job but after 5 mins she starded trolling me 0.o And rest i dont rember xD But for sure i was killing people of this world or playing ET with super 4hs skill xD
I dreamt that i was some guy that goes to hotels ans restaurants and leaves without paying :o
wrecked a boat, it sunk, i lifted it up on the surface of the water again, emptied it of all the water in no time, built a boatgarage whatsoever, dived ropes through a massive crowd of fishes and tied the boat tightly, saw a postit-note where it told who killed our ex-boatgarage, there was a map of a trainstation which owner had done all this. i would had to track him down and kill him but couldn't be bothered and end of all that :p

should start writing a dream-diary, would be nize
i dreamt i was fishing :X
Megan Fox licking my balls
was skijumping and in middle of air flight my skiis just disappeared. then i fell down and died (also heard huge crushing sound when i landed) and thats when i woke up.

same story with swimming pool, jumped from 10th platform and the swimmingpool's water just disappeared...

cool huh???
i dreamt that the german nationalteam have won against the argentinas
the best dreams are when you jumped off something really high or are sky diving or summit, they feel strangely real :o
and when you wake up you feel like wtf :D
yep :D sometimes its like im out of breath, a very strange feeling :)
ye had same shit too:D and sometimes u could not move while ur asleep and u feel like waking up but u cant move and u panic

weird shit

soz4old reply:D
yep thats the exact feeling :D and dont worry its ok at least im not the only one :D
in my dream you touched me
I won CB EC 2012
Only thing I can remember of my dream is that I was playing Le Castle Vania - Nobody Gets Out Alive (Noisia remix) and my dad was there.

Dno rest of the dream or context :D
i dreamed that i owned you all stop that is true :))
my dream was powning ppl in et like mAus =]
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