Your Vote for Enemy Territory!

Sup CF!

The ESL started a vote which is about: "Which game shall we support for the EMS 7?"
So pls vote for ET!!

End of the voting is the 6.July.
So hurry up pls and take some seconds for voting!

Greets. xoaC
if it wouldnt be at the esl site I would vote
Which of the following games do you support for the EMS VII?
Vielen Dank für deine Stimme! Die Auswertung auf der Startseite wird nur alle paar Minuten aktualisiert, daher kann es sein, dass deine Stimme noch nicht sofort zu sehen ist.
image: 2nbsz75

ye, and where to vote?-_-
dunno the link worked for me had to click a game and after that this came.. :xs
Maybe you've already voted?
no, its the same since i first clicked the link in the original vote-for-et topic
Not even for another game?
You have to be logged in.
He's logged in.
did you log in?
2 possibilites: you are not logged in or you have already voted
neither, as you can see on top left, i am logged in, and i never saw any different page than this in the ems-vote-thing
gtfo with EMS :>
Voted FIFA Clanwar
voted HoN.. oh wait
voted w3
cod4 already won the poll
QuoteDanku om te stemmen! De resultaten op de homepage worden elke enkele minuten geupdated, dus het is mogelijk dat uw stem niet meteen wordt weergegeven.

Lol, fucking google translator used by ESL. Mongs
esl does not use google translator. what is wrong with the sentences? tell me and i can report and give it to the dutch national heads :)
QuoteDanku voor uw stem! De resultaten op de homepage worden over enkele minuten geupdated, dus het is mogelijk dat uw stem niet meteen wordt weergegeven.

Some little errors, but the errors make the sentence complete bullshit :o)
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