Chicken, or egg?

Eddo & me are having a vivid discussion about which one came first.

Post your theories.

image: 727663041_63325260bf

This dog will attack people who unknowingly agree with Eddo.

[14:47] <@ehamo> kheb dat gisterennacht gelezen, en zo echt paar minuten op zitten denken
[14:47] <@ehamo> of er nu echt geen manier was om dat te omzeilen
[14:47] <@ehamo> niet dus
[14:48] <@Eddo> tja
[14:48] <@Eddo> kip of ei wel
[14:48] <@Eddo> :)
[14:48] <@ehamo> :D
[14:48] <@ehamo> geef eens uw onfeilbare logica
[14:48] <@ehamo> over het kip en het ei
[14:48] <@Eddo> kip eerst duh
[14:48] <@ehamo> ...
[14:48] <@Eddo> als je dat helemaal terug gaat werken
[14:49] <@Eddo> en de evolutie theorie gelooft tenminste
[14:49] <@ehamo> een van men keuzevakken in het laatste jaar was darwin
[14:49] <@ehamo> wel was dat of aziatische geschiedenis
[14:49] <@Eddo> kom je uit bij bacterien
[14:49] <@ehamo> dus ja wist ik wel rap
[14:49] <@Eddo> :>
[14:49] <@ehamo> middelbaar bedoel ik he, toen ik nog alle crap had van vakken
[14:49] <@ehamo> ei was eerst
[14:49] <@ehamo> als je de evolutietheorie volgt
[14:50] <@ehamo> de laatste "niet kip" die stilaan evolueerde in de "kip" die wij kip noemen
[14:50] <@ehamo> ofzoiets
[14:50] <@ehamo> legde een ei
[14:50] <@ehamo> waaruit een echte kip kwam
[14:50] <@ehamo> snap
[14:50] <@Eddo> mjah
[14:50] <@Eddo> dat gaat nooit zo van
[14:50] <@Eddo> tja
[14:50] <@ehamo> en uw logica, is zeker ook correct
[14:50] <@ehamo> maw woorden
[14:50] <@Eddo> dat kan je geen kip noemen die legt een ei en dat is opeens een kip
[14:50] <@ehamo> er is ook geen oplossing voor :p
[14:51] <@ehamo> jawel, volgend de evolutietheorie
[14:51] <@ehamo> evolueer je mss 0.00001 procent per generatie
[14:51] <@Eddo> ja
[14:51] <@ehamo> dus die kip die dat ei legde, was geen "kip", gwn iets gelijkaardigs
[14:51] <@ehamo> maar hetgeen eruit kwam wel
[14:51] <@ehamo> als je wil muggeziften dat is
[14:51] <@ehamo> :D
[14:51] <@Eddo> :)
[14:51] <@ehamo> ja wij moeten ons wel vervelen
[14:51] <@Eddo> true
[14:53] <@ehamo>
[14:53] <@Eddo> :D
[14:53] <@Eddo> tja
[14:53] <@Eddo> ik vind de vraag nog altijd zo van
[14:54] <@Eddo> tja
[14:54] <@Eddo> niet specifiek over de kip gaan
[14:54] <@Eddo> gewoon zo van
[14:54] <@Eddo> ei waar iets uitkomt of een dier dat een ei heeft gelegd
[14:54] <@Eddo> tja
[14:54] <@Eddo> moeilijk uit te leggen
[14:54] <@Eddo> :D
[14:55] <@ehamo> ksnap het
[14:55] <@ehamo> maja
[14:55] <@ehamo> wij hebben daarover gepraat in die lessen vroeger he
[14:55] <@Eddo> ligt eigenlijk aan hoe je naar die vraag kijkt wat het antwoord is
[14:55] <@ehamo> vond ik altijd interessant omdat niemand gelijk on krijgen
[14:55] <@Eddo> :D
[14:55] <@ehamo> en je moet dan ook bedenken
[14:56] <@ehamo> dat "ei" dat gelegd wordt
[14:56] <@ehamo> klasseer je dat dan als een "kippenei", of als dat ei van het vorige beest
[14:56] <@ehamo> alhoewel er een kip uitkomt
[14:56] <@ehamo> is ook nog zoiets
[14:56] <@Eddo> tja
[14:57] <@Eddo> kheb zoiets van als je de vraag echt precies beantwoord geld jou theorie
[14:57] <@Eddo> als je die vraag anders bekijkt van wat eerder was een ei of een dier dat dat legt
[14:57] <@Eddo> is dat die van mij
[14:57] <@ehamo> ah zo
[14:57] <@ehamo> maar dan
[14:57] <@ehamo> verander je de vraag een beetje
[14:57] <@ehamo> het is "kip of ei"
[14:57] <@ehamo> niet "random die dat een ei legt of ei"
[14:57] <@ehamo> :D
[14:58] <@Eddo> tja maja waar begin je iets een kip te noemen
[14:58] <@ehamo> doet er niet toe he
[14:58] <@ehamo> de kip, is de kip zoals die wij vandaag kennen
[14:58] <@ehamo> een wolf is ook verwant met een hond
[14:59] <@ehamo> maar ik denk niet dat je een wolf eff in je huis op de mat laat slapen
[14:59] <@Eddo> :D
[14:59] <@Eddo> mjah
[14:59] <@Eddo> dr zijn ook dieren die niet van naam zijn verandert sinds dat die bestaan fzo
[14:59] <@ehamo> omdat er niets gelijkaardigs is
[14:59] <@ehamo> trouwens
[14:59] <@ehamo> welke dieren dan?
[15:00] <@Eddo> ja weet ik veel
[15:00] <@Eddo> :D
[15:00] <@Eddo> krokodil schijnt er al zoveel miljard jaar te zijn fzo
[15:00] <@Eddo> mjah
[15:00] <@ehamo> hey
[15:00] <@Eddo> je weet nooit de volle geschiedenis van een dier
[15:00] <@ehamo> heb je een lekkere uitzondering gevonden
[15:00] <@ehamo> leuk dude
[15:00] <@Eddo> :D
[15:00] <@ehamo> l:D
[15:00] <@Eddo> :Ddd
[15:01] <@Eddo> mjah stel dat er zo een dier was dat precies was zoals de kip die wij kennen en die op dat moment in de tijd geen eieren kon leggen
[15:02] <@Eddo> mjah zoals je zei
[15:02] <@Eddo> niemand krijgt gelijk
[15:02] <@Eddo> :D
[15:03] <@ehamo> dat is hypothetische crap :D
[15:03] <@ehamo> word
wtf xD
I passed my exam, i gief a shit!

Hi btw!
egg for sure, because he mutation of the ancestral of the chicken gave an egg before a chicken :)
The dog agrees.
cool bro !
a circle has no start and no ending
starts at 0 and ends at 2pi
only if you work in radians though
it doesnt matter its the same thing
on this matter u cant teach me nothing
do like i do go study
how can it be the same thing in radians as in degrees since in degrees you'll have 0 and 360
check your facts pls
gtfo of primary shcool then talk to me
oh wait i already am!
good now that u left primary shcool
keep your mouth shut and your eyes open and u might learn something
Egg obviously! First chicken hatched from an egg of some pre-chicken creature.
The dog agrees.
egg for sure, because he mutation of the ancestral of the chicken gave an egg before a chicken :)
The dog agrees.
the egg needs to come from a chicken, eggs dont fall from the sky you know
the chicken needs to come from an egg, chickens dont fall from the sky you know
they fly and fall down from the sky, but still the egg needs to be produced by some chickens
by some chickens or some pre-chicken creature :).
welcome to evolution.
sometimes they do, you just have never seen one falling out of the sky
look where does a egg come from? from a chicken. and were does a chicken come from? from a egg. so what you're saying is that the egg came first, but from what did the egg came from? from a chicken or a creature similar to a chicken. Do you know what I'm saying?
It came from a creature similar to a chicken, but not 100 % a chicken, therefore that animal wouldn't be classified as a chicken but as something else.
oh yea as a crocodile
It's from a chicken lol. It's like saying white people can't make black babies please.
QuoteThe Theory of Evolution states that species change over time via mutation and selection. Since DNA can be modified only before birth, a mutation must have taken place at conception or within an egg such that an animal similar to a chicken, but not a chicken, laid the first chicken egg.[2][3] In this light, both the egg and the chicken evolved simultaneously from birds that were not chickens and did not lay chicken eggs but gradually became more and more like chickens over time.

However, a mutation in one individual is not normally considered a new species. A speciation event involves the separation of one population from its parent population, so that interbreeding ceases; this is the process whereby domesticated animals are genetically separated from their wild forebears. The whole separated group can then be recognized as a new species.

The modern chicken was believed to have descended from another closely related species of birds, the red junglefowl, but recently discovered genetic evidence suggests that the modern domestic chicken is a hybrid descendant of both the red junglefowl and the grey junglefowl.[4] Assuming the evidence bears out, a hybrid is a compelling scenario that the chicken egg, based on the second definition, came before the chicken.
that's some random qoute by a guy who think he knows it all
wikipedia actually
yeah its the truth because it comes from wikipedia, lol really
yeah its the truth because it comes from you, lol really

When will you bring on some arguments for ur theory btw?
I'm not saying what I say is the truth, I'm just giving my opinion.
its a chicken but not a 100% chicken? a humanbeing with a 1 leg isnt 100% human?
Ei sicher, weil er der Ahnen des Huhns Mutation gab ein Ei, bevor ein Huhn:)
dog on roids
ja echt he, wtf
Try using different colors next time!


Fact: Egg was first, because the chicken is mutated from the dinosaurs that survived... And after some mutations the chicken finally emerged!
You made dog happy.
The dog agrees.
The dog agrees.
I'll bet Eddo said Chicken....
the chicken came first because an egg can't have sex

unless the chicken faked it
chicken, no doubt
Obviously the chicken.

Genesis 1, verses 20 and 21

"And God said: ... and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky. So God created ... every winged bird according to its kind. "

So Winged birds and no eggs : )
You's trollin'.

I hope.
chicken, just because Eddo is always right
Eddo, just because eggs never lie
Quote[15:00] <@Eddo> krokodil schijnt er al zoveel miljard jaar te zijn fzo

The earth only exists for about 4.5 billion (=miljard) years.

Complex lifeforms (multicellular, etc.) like dinosaurs, crocodiles,... is like 350-... million years ago.

HUGE difference!

First thing I saw was this blatant error so I didn't bother to read the rest.
Hey chill, he was most likely just confused.
volgens evolutie was het ei eerst hoor,
omdat da de minst complexe levensvorm is ^^
god created the chicken first
chicken for sure
God created both at the same time =)
body building dog has small head so he is not building his head
What if god is a chicken?
prechicken was before chicken egg.

But does prechicken count as chicken?
But does prechickenegg count as egg?
prechicken egg is not 1 because there's a chicken in it :D so this is the egg
haha wonderful :D
chicken obvioussly
diepgaande discussie daar... manmanman
I don't care since I can eat KFC !!
Neither did
Neither did...or egg :P
The Dog was first
what happened was that the ancestor of the chicken evolved into laying eggs so the animal pre-dates this process

so the chicken came first :X
no his ancestor layed an egg and the chicken came out of it so the egg was first!
no, since races gradually evolve its impossible to distinguish the first "chicken" born from an egg so the hen that produced the egg was just as much chicken in this case and therefore came first
Since races gradually evolve there can't be a certain chicken defined as reference.


There is no chicken. MIND BLOWN!
egg that came from a chicken
so were did the chicken come from..
from the egg you nub
Scientists proved that egg came first but even simple logic says that.
so then the question would be were did the egg come from?
Retarded bird lays egg x5000 -> Out comes chicken.
Also, crocodiles lay eggs.
my point is that the question cant be answered because either one (egg or chicken) would have to come out of no where. And even if it evolved from another bird type into a chicken then the question would be the same.
Yeah, no, the egg was first.
I think god pooped out an egg and thus there was a chicken some time later.
Chickens evolved from non-chicken animals (can't find my magazine article on the subject now). Could say the egg came first which the chicken came out of, but that egg wasn't laid by a chicken as we know it *_*
The Egg. Dinosaurs laid eggs way before birds such as chicken even existed. Since evolution according to Darwin would require a gradual development of the species it's safe to say the egg was there first, as a definite starting point of chicken existence can't be defined.
The Admin.
dog's got mad pecs
the chicken is a lie
who let out the chicken?!
who let the chicken out?

they both happened simultaneously. "god" put them there you know!
seaking was first
Both @ same time
until we know how life started in the first place this question cannot be answered.
chicken, unless you presume every pre-chicken-mutation used an egg to give birth.
eddo and kevin talking bullshit HHMMM UNEXPECTED
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