Twilight Eclipse

Anyone seen it yet? Looks very cool and cant wait to see it :P

Was supposed to see it @ weekend but nerds bailed out so I'll have to wait until the official release :(
my gf is going to see it tonight
and your not going with her?
lol ofc not.
i only watch porn movies and wank to it all day fuckyea.
well clearly your gf isn't getting the job done right.
My ex wants to see it.

dont get it
looking at it on laptop now :) it's ok :) not worth going to the movies for thought :p
I have seen it.
I have seen it.
not interested
seems you lost your balls somewhere
Can't wait to watch it :PpPpPp
seems you lost your balls somewhere
I have a man crush on Taylor Lautner.
i want to go see :(
Tbh can't wait to see it, last two were so amazing. ^___^
Only emos watch those kind of movies.
i only watch it cause of kirsten stewart!
I never understand watching a movie because of a hot girl? Why don't u watch porn then?
Seen it, expected more. Was quite ok but alot of drama! :P
I totally agree
robert pattinson is soooo cute
I've already seen it. Book is way better and interesting than a movie.
That guy is so hawt, i want to do him
i feel trolled
cant wait to see it man
utter pish
gay shit
I've seen it , it's kinda good well my girlfriend thought it was good.
seems you lost your balls somewhere
Please -.- are you 13 yrs old or what?
omg I love edward omg he is soooooo cute I want him to bite me and I want to be a vampire with him and live together with him


brb puking
omg twilight is the best movie ever! cant wait for more

haha just kidding mate :D nice movie =)
Can anyone explain why the vampires and werewolves in Twilight survive in sunlight and metamorphose at will respectively?
cu it's a movie for girls between 9-17
yes lets, maybe later on tonight?
can't wait
Why should a faggot be mad if someone gets more pussy?
gonna be best movie of all time <3
All 3 looks shitty..
This my friend, makes sense.
dude, grow a pair.. wtf srsly..
obvious troll is not so obvious ;(
not rly :(. was that a troll? man i thought he was gay :(((
gay or troll. or both :o)
part 1 was semi-okayish, part 2 was the fucking worst and most cheasy movie i have seen in my whole life... "i have only 1 wish: kiss me" and stuff like that was just too much, even most of the girls agreed with that. noway i'm going to waste money for part 3 XDDD
awesome movie summer: twilight 3 + sex and the city 2 <3 x)
I fapped to first two movies, can't wait for the third.
why the heck would you watch such an epic piece of bullshit without having a stable and continuous amount of sex for exchange?
Nice move watched it yesterday
the first two were actually decent but this one was shit.
Gf agrees.
This is twisted:

Women say twilight is the most romantic movie in ages, but if Bella would be a man and have two halfnaked sluts around him it wouldn't be so "romantic" anymore and they'd call the man a player and wouldn't watch the movies.

Logic ?
he would be a real player :D
I don't waste my time on that crap.
need a working pass for the SCREENER XviD-LAP version!!!!111
saw the movie, it's good :D.
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