Germany gonna lose
6 Jul 2010, 21:56
according to Paul the psychic octopus.
LoL what a coincidence.
omg .. we needz new pussy
or win ;)
I bet for a tie.
Wrong again failtroll
If he is right, I'll cut him in pieces and frie him
If he is wrong, I'll also cut him in Pieces and Frie him
but YES WE CAN !
he has made a huge impact in this world cup, thought he was miserable after those champions league matches I saw him play.
+ Octopus = "Tintenfisch" but not every "Tintenfisch" is an octopus so stop trying to be a smart ass and die of aids instead
grosser vollidiot
da die krake auch zu den tintenfischen gezählt wird ist dein kommentar eher so medium sinnvoll und du scheinst eher nicht so der schlaue zu sein
even tho i hate spain myself, i even hate more fucking germans like u.
eat shit piece of crap