7 Jul 2010, 10:52
Any predictions? :D Will Roll again? 1st Egnland , 2nd Argentina, now its Spain's turn. I predict 3-2 For GERMANY.
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
vpn proxy
Does that have something to do with this journal?
No Müller No Win
Btw, for the Germans in here: Deutschland - Spanien 11:0 ? :D
my girlfriend is going to kill me shes from spain , i allways tell her that ger is med + high and spain low max :DDDDDDD
so she watch with her friends and me with my :D
You could be like: YEAAAH!! IN YOUR FACE!!!
GERMANY 1-3 Spain !
VilA ViLAa
Seems like some Dutchman is afraid of a final against Germany? ;D
No i want germany but i think they will lose because they think oo ye win from england argentina so spain is izi for us then..
en then they gonna lose
ah my prediction: 3:1 for germany<3
Klose x2 Podolski Schwainstaiger Oezil
David Villa
and final 2-0 spain
klose scoring 3 times before 15 minutes are played, then kroos, podolski and friedrich twice in minute 88 and 90.