fuck da ETUI! help please

Hello community...

I had been playing ET for around 2-3 months and then reinstalled it (ETUI 1.6). When i try to connect to server, i have it "Empty cd key not allowed on htis server" msg and kicks me outta server.
Ive tried it:
You can try and get a new CDkey by typing "/pb_cdkeyreg" in console (without the quotes) or you can try to update via pbweb.exe in your pb folder.
but it didnt work :(....

where or how i can get this fckn ETKEY?

soz for english
ty in advance!
np for english.

problem solved
quit this game

problem solved
join etmain server

problem solved
I would imagine EvenBalance sucks again and their cdkey server thingy is down or laggy.
You must dl etkey.
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