
Quote"Recently, Blizzard Entertainment implemented a Real ID feature for some of its current games and all of its future Battle.net-based games. Today, Blizzard announced that it intends to require usage of the real names of Battle.net posters for its StarCraft II forums before release, and for its World of Warcraft forums shortly before the release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. From the announcement: 'The first and most significant change is that in the near future, anyone posting or replying to a post on official Blizzard forums will be doing so using their Real ID — that is, their real-life first and last name — with the option to also display the name of their primary in-game character alongside it. These changes will go into effect on all StarCraft II forums with the launch of the new community site prior to the July 27 release of the game, with the World of Warcraft site and forums following suit near the launch of Cataclysm. Certain classic forums, including the classic Battle.net forums, will remain unchanged.'"

And the response in the forums: http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=25626109041&sid=3000

Also: some idiot community manager also posted his full name on the forums to try and prove that nothing bad would come of it and well.... it hasn't gone too well...

My battle.net is already under some silly slightly racist pseudonym but I'm still not sure I want to purchase SC2 from a company like this. No doubt this will kill the WoW forums since most are forced to use real names for payment reasons. Although I don't see why they'd stop here, no doubt you'll have your real name displayed under your guildname when Cataclysm launches! (or something equally stupid)

ps: firefox 4 beta out and it's pretty fucking nice

pps: random pic

image: 2010-07-05-a569fb4
Too nerdy, didn't read!
april fools is late this year?
i say people are not smart enough to boicot that shiet

GAMING is not supposed to have REAL life info

i use gaming to say fuck shit tard........ a lot, it will loose THE FUN because trolls can actually use real life info to troll on you

" It looks like he's staying in the same house as his mother =[ "

after leaked info he deleted fb account lol
/quit, wts 19k gold.
The epicness of this is beyond the epicness of the game itself.
i don't play wow
On a sidenote for that.

Me and United Kingdom Squibbles rocking it out in Dalaran on the RAF mount.

image: 27zeosi
prefer my image: ilyx79 or my image: 2uhtwg7!
feel sorry for the guy
fuck that, no lan, no chat, real names

not gonna buy
This will obviously not go live. And if it will, it won't last long.

Good stuff tho! :DD
I read it and didn't understand it. So what's this all about? Could you tell me, but short detailed.
tl;dr version:
you have to use your real name on sc2 & wow forums
Aahh oke, thanks ;)
don't care, got nothing to hide

just want to use this thread as an excuse to show of my pro skills at changing my character =DD oh how i miss TBC

image: 14982087-4
Not everyone got an epic name such as yours. Other people who do not care about it:
Dick Pound

Who cares really. Exposing your name is not a big deal.

Anonymity is cool also but it's nice to discuss with static actual identities sometimes.
Actually, the sentiment expressed in the opinion piece Tim Buckley wrote along with this comic pretty accurately mirrors my views. I don't agree with him on a lot of things he says, but here he's got things right imo.
I'm still in awe of this guy who posted his credentials on the internet, practicly begging to be bashed down.
How does one come up with these kind of bright ideas? Deathwish maybe?

On the subject or Real Names, it's just absolutely propostrous in so many ways.
Sorry, but I really don't see the problem here. Too much of the net is a place where you can get away with acting like a total moron under the cover of anonymity (and not even that, really, if you actually want to you can put enough effort into tracking down the identity of pretty much anyone except at boards that are actually designed to enforce total anonymity). It's not ok to go to a game forum and troll, flame, spam, or just generally say anything you wouldn't in real life. The sooner people learn that and the net grows up, the better.

(I'll leave it there and not counter the obvious arguments against this unless someone actually asks).
your whole comment is pretty much meez summed up and you dont see the/his problem? :D

Yes, I can see the arguments that it is a problem. I think the benefits massively outweigh the screams, wailing and gnashing of teeth from hardcore internet denizens who don't realise that the real world doesn't work that way.
The main counter-argument I expected, by the way, was one aimed along the lines of privacy concerns - mostly in that authority figures can trace you by your real name (if you think most employers don't google you as part of the assessment process for a half-decent job you're pretty naive).

This has a twofold answer - firstly, blatantly rude/offensive things people shouldn't be putting on the net in the first place; secondly, such authority figures need to learn to lighten up (not be so concerned by the fact that people get drunk, or play computer games - almost all the 'good employees' I know do both) and this will only come with greater freedom of personal information, imo.
Quoteif you actually want to you can put enough effort into tracking down the identity of pretty much anyone

Not exactly.

Quote It's not ok to go to a game forum and troll, flame, spam, or just generally say anything you wouldn't in real life.

I disagree entirely, the internet is often exactly a place to say something you wouldn't in real life. Sure spamming a gaming forum with pictures of hitler is still unacceptable but showing somebodies real name is not going to remedy that problem, firstly because if they were smart they wouldn't use their real name in the first place (so the genuine users are punished, not trolls) but also some people just do not give a shit. They'll happily troll and flame under a real name.

The main issue I see with all this is that there is no philosophical need. One of the greatest strengths of the internet and the anonymity it provides is that your ideas/beliefs are judged solely on the posts/content you are writing and on nothing else. Even without research same names will give people reason to pre-judge and I really don't like that.

Also Tim Buckley is a fucking moron.
"I think instead of blizzard game icons when we post they should just make it our facebook default to make it easier for everyone. " LOL
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