Whats better r_picmip 3 or 1??

guys cheking out some stuff lately and i was cheking some configs lately and i found out almost no1 playing whit r_picmip 3 anymroe but but whit r_picmip 1 and r_picmip2 3 why is that>?
I play with r_picmip 3 :(

3 iz bestest cuz low detail pwnz
/r_picmip 0
/ada_smoke 0
im r_picmip 3 too.. suits me better
Quote by RaZieL
r_picmip 0 also makes the texture more sharp, I have myself always seen it as an advantage
to make headshots easier. The playermodels looks a lot more sharp and standing out of the
personal preference
what do you play whit?>
3 in et, 5 in quake, forced 0 in rtcw though
put 2 its not too low or high i play whit 0
I hate cheaters so bad, the hate comes from so deep in my heart, that if I meet one in real life, I'll cut his fingers one by one, then use those fingers to assfuck and skullfuck him, then let him eat em, then I'll cut his leg off, assfuck him with it, whip his head with it, then I go sit on his face and I shit in his mouth, then I slowly cut his neck open, shit in it, and then use his head as a bowling ball, then I start kicking his body until I broke every bone, and then I use the bones to scrape his intesties out of his belly, and I use his darms to make a nice mustache at his face.
haha serious person is serious!! lighten up after all internet is serious business
why ur postign that here?
never understood what r_picmip2 even does
RtCW singleplayer command, theres no such command in ET
there is man try r_picmip2 5 and then r_picmip2 0 youll see diffrence in grapics
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