LeBron James to Miami

Sure most of you don't care but for those who follow the NBA, LBJ just announced he's going to Miami to join Chris Bosch and Dwayne Wade... it's going to be a dream team. Pretty sure it will be fun to watch for about a season then it will just get old. Luckily I don't really have an NBA team I support so it doesn't matter to me. They're in the middle of an hour-long special about it on ESPN lol.

image: ddg_andie_valentino_strip_1
Best team in the nba looking forward to some insane games
how is nowitzki doin ?

(since he, lebron james and michael jorden (still playing ? :D:D) are the only bballplayers i kno :>)
He's trying to win the title again and again and again and again, but mavs are lacking another great player like him. :(
troo, hes the carry, he would probably fit better in a "better" team but he is kinda growing old.
Indeed. There aren't so many chances left so I really hoped cuban would be able to trade another big name to dallas this time. But it doesn't seem so. :( And they finally need a decent center. Dampier is crap.
dude, Jordan peaced out like 7 years ago :D:D
deff the dream team but i have a question, is the celtics still the same team?
Allen and Pierce signed, Rasheed Wallace might still retire though and that will give them problems in the playoffs when they're facing Dwight Howard.
would be a sick match up celtics vs heat
Same team, same coach
+1 Rondo, tho the big 3 is growing old
true, but I guess they can compete for the title for another year, maybe 2.
Yeah, they still have 2 or 3 good years left
Old news.
ye its the 2003 draft dream team, but still, in LAL u have the "awsomest" (atm, considering his play style, clutch plays, ridiculous shots) player, Kobe, but on the other hand Boston with their great team (considering, Allen stays) is also a big competitior.
dwade is my second fav player :D
Kobe #1 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
you failed at your ho, because that was tl and i dr
[q]BREAKING NEWS! Apple is releasing a special edition LeBron James iPhone. Problem is it only vibrates b/c it has no RING!...[/q]
I just wanna see how that John Wall will play :)
Just saw it on ESPN, seriously considering to start following the nba now. Been to Miami and seen Heat play 2 times, but haven't really been following NBA at all.
Same here, just when im about to cancel cable for my tv >,<
i dont think they will be THAT good considering La Lakers winning 2 consecutive titles and still adding new players, like steve blake. and it will be interesting how the magic are going to perform with chris duhon comming to town. it will be an epic season in the nba and for the eastern conference.
Roxor, was ich dich immer schon mal fragen wollte - wird's eigentlich 'ne epic season in der NBA und für die eastern conference?
mens0, was ich dich schon immer mal fragen wollte - warum hast du nichts besseres zu tun als mich immer zu highlighten und auf meine comments zu kommentieren?
Weil du mein Stern der deinen Namen trägt für mich bist.
Verschwinde du Homofürst, sonst kastriere ich dir deine Eier!
Ka$$ier$t du eigentlich immernoch Hartz IV ?
Noch nie bekommen wtf?! :D Erstmal sind wir zu viel zu reich außerdem worke ich eiskalt als IT-Administratoooooooooo00000rrrr in ur face! Bist du eigentlich immer noch für Papierkram, Info und die Technische Leitung in der drivin school zuständig?
:D:D:DDDD Ne ich werde Medizintechnik an der TU München ab mitte Oktober studieren. Atm bin ich arbeitslos laut gesetz. Zivi fertig gemacht und jetzt am chillen.

Also sitzt du den ganzen Tag vor dem PC und wirst dafür bezahlt?
Na als Nebenjob neben dem Studium aber an sich schon. Was ich mit rY erreichen wollte hab' ich nun allein geschafft.
changing his team with one-hour TV show. wtf?
Skeit master of basketball :D
Im lolling at all the people who said in LebronJames' journal that it wouldnt happen :P
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