ET Headshot Scanner
9 Jul 2010, 10:18
Please, please stop pming me about them (irc and here on that page)
the lib can scan and print every headshot the POV client has done through the whole demo.
there is no accurate way the say on whom he shot the headshot! So there is no way to actually count headshots per killing spree. While one might say, dont mind just dont care and count every headshot he did from first to last frag, eventho the headshots might not have been on the correct target, there is another problem, which settles this topic for me.
How can i know when this guy starts shooting at the first target?!? When should i start counting.
To make it short, i wont supply a solution for that (and yes there is a solution, but this would be most def. not worth the effort)
over and out.
the lib can scan and print every headshot the POV client has done through the whole demo.
there is no accurate way the say on whom he shot the headshot! So there is no way to actually count headshots per killing spree. While one might say, dont mind just dont care and count every headshot he did from first to last frag, eventho the headshots might not have been on the correct target, there is another problem, which settles this topic for me.
How can i know when this guy starts shooting at the first target?!? When should i start counting.
To make it short, i wont supply a solution for that (and yes there is a solution, but this would be most def. not worth the effort)
over and out.
but seriously, why would I want to scan the headshots I've shot since you can remember the times you've done something decent + you can watch the demo and even scan it for frags afaik. :/
So im quite certain many would like such a feature, and im sorry to say i wont be doing it