ESWC: "Prizes will be paid in a month."

As somebody of you know a huge gaming event ESWC has been experiencing lack of money. After this news were published question raised: "Will players get their winning prizes?". Now this question has been answered.

Groupe Coutant Finances is a company, which was behind this event and its president Jean Marie Coutant have personally promised prize moneys to be paid in a month.
There is one requirement for this: Players and organisatins have to all the paper things in a time. Money for prizes will be borrowed from French bank called Société Générale.
Coutant explained this weird payment system like this: "Re-building ESWC is a long-term project which will take by following the plans about three years.

Atleast they do pay!
is this an ESL month, a valve month or a blizzard month?
Your English is fucking phenominal!

Good job, sir! <3
Damn man. It was intenshunal...
I'm not best at english, but my main point was to release this news so everyone can read it and understand what's happening. Yet even I have bad english I have managed to do it.
That's why I said "Good job, sir <3"
French & money... :D
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