cb admin Now

i want to speak to a cb admin please someone! /q dxtr` thx :D
if you organize me an sc2 beta key!
i've got it, but i doN't trust you sry dude :D:D
you got one ?
gimme gimme T_T
im in desperate need
checking it if i've got one i'll give to you if you give me ur hon acc !!
nah, just share it, cuz sometimes i'm bored and want to play some honhon!!! XD
StarCraft® II: Wings of Liberty™ Beta Test Invitation

Congratulations! You’ve been selected to participate in the beta test of StarCraft® II: Wings of Liberty™.
that's what you need?:D
awesome exactly what ive been looking for! <3
can i have XD zomgg
gimme ur hon acc :D:D
you know theres a bit of a difference between giving out a paid account which uses to tracks ur style of gameplay also to a stranger or sharing a simple beta account whch actual game is coming out on the 27th :/
anyway i would actually share the acc but ive worked so hard these past days i mean to negate the deaths i got in the beginning now its exact 1:1 stat <3
what psr u used to play again?^^
naah, i don't need that hon account, would be cool, but using someone's is not really my style hehe :P
will give the account if you want it, but only tomorrow(today, you know, just later), but i'm going to sleep, so, cya goodn8

ps. pm so i'll read that and won't forget if you want!
aw ok :( actually i wanted to spend the night playing sc2 <3 but k ty
it seems like every CB ET ADMIN is not online atm. Why wont u just join #clanbase.et (if ur thing is about ET) and wait untill one of the admins come online?

E: it seems like that rayzed is online
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