thank you !

you may remember the special competition for ESL Major Series VII where the best game could get another 1,000 € added to its prize money.although we (ET) did not have a chance against cod and css, i have to thank you:

at half time enemy territory was on 12th place with 137 votes. 5 days later we could finish on 8th place!297 votes in total moved us to a great 8th place - even games like quake live (233 votes, 12th place), dota (250 votes, 10th place) or fifa (265 votes, 9th place) which are much bigger at ESL are now behind us. thank you for your vote!!

Enemy Territroy @ ESL Major Series
No problem.
I don't care.
but still didnt win, so no achievement
didnt voted since it was ESL
couldnt vote since its a shitbuggysite
Enemy Territroy good game.
ban all cod4&css fags
old, plus rihanna is written wrongly

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