Ubuntu 10.4

Hello I just want to inform you that Ubuntu 10.4 sucks big time.

After I had to blacklist one of the duplicated modules for my MSI US300EX WLAN STICK I finally find my network but whenever I try to connect to it Ubuntu tries to access it for ages to finally dont do anything.

Does anyone have a proper solution for this?
No but 10.4 doesn't suck :>
yup, 10.04 sucks dicks
mouse lags ingame :(((
had the same on 9.04. couldn't find a fix. Installed win7.
So they still didn't fix it. -,-
had no problems from 6.06 till 9.10 :(
run game in separate xserver?
that will fix the problem I guess :'D
ask there: #ubuntu @ freenode
I, too, only had problems with 10.4
use windows xp if you want to game instead of getting shit to work on linux
fixing linux problems is a game itself
u gotta be retarded if u dont know how to run ubuntu as its easier than wndows
running ubuntu is really easy yes.

getting ET to work 100% isn't that easy, I had to run ET with sudo to get decent FPS but then I had no sound,without sudo I had sound but only around 30 fps.
its not that hard. anyway with newer games there isnt any prob at all

and when i was like 13 years old i used to play on a suse. even tho i didnt use vent and stuff back then

about the sound use that script or smth? i never played on a ubuntu
Try this (its pl but cmds are eng so np for u): http://czytelnia.ubuntu.pl/index.php/2007/02/23/enemy-territory-i-linux/

if your sound doesnt work, set quality to high - should fix
dunno, only Linux i ever installed on my own PC was Arch
arch is actually harder, so if u dunno how to run a linux at all dont start with that even tho is pretty nice
so name a solution super genious
After you fix a problem it 'feels good man' though right?
use windows, lol
Windows xp ftw :o)
Linux + ET = ETH
no other reason to use linux
Backtrack is another reason
10.04 is fine if you're not a retard.
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