Oldschool still the best

Dear journal & Anonymous Crossies

Unfortunatly times have changed , yet there still remain some oldschool memories..
Well I just found some oldschool memories of mine. When I was the age of 16 , 17 , I played in team Prodigy gaming with Worm, Alvo, spiROZE, Cherry, Aphesia, prydz.

In those times there was punkbuster, people tried to cheat but eventually it didn't last so long..Headshots were like magical things to us, to everybody in the community.None offence were taken when people moaned about stuff. Everybody knew it would be fun to do some mixes or pracs for the summercup & ESL leagues.


To the Belgians

We had some nice Belgium proud!

Do you still remember the days from team Belgium with the line up of:

-| Belgium Shewie
-| Belgium Ch4d
-| Belgium mAx
-| Belgium Ganon
-| Belgium prophete
-| Belgium fr1sko

e: forgot little -| Belgium MesQ1

Like been a century but okay.. None Belgian team of these days can keep up to this line up with those skills they used to have. (imo)


Well what i'm saying is.. Everybody misses the oldschool fun & stuff that's why I wanna share this journal with you guys..
Just give me a name or a movie which you used to watch like every day & you were a fanboy of some oldschooler.. Just name any .. Share the thoughts & try not too flame for 1 lazy time :) .

My favourites:

Belgium Shewie
Belgium Ganon


- Because they had the potential of a true ET player never quit & never give up..


greetz guys..
good to know

how was that kreaturen player called, proph3cy or smthn?
piragas imo, very oldschool player :)
wasnt that officer? same playstyle and aim
piragas da best mayne, he back these days :)
Hmmm all of the old belgian team was good used to watch all the movies and shit when they played
well,its even now like that - player has a,good movies b,nice to watch in match. dont know about any that would have both
just skill has improved so much recently i think, the oldschoolers wouldn't be the same anymore they'd need to improve there skill i think
idd, if oldschoolers came here now with their past skill, they would get rolled.
hey belgians you are all wannabee dutch people
max and prophete are one and only person for your info

fr1sko wasnt that good
just played a 6on6 and enjoyed it so much <3
made me think about oldschool eesti playas :p
The Estonian team have always been a great team. True on that one.

name of the songs in the movie?
Like been a century but okay.. None Belgian team of these days can keep up to this line up with those skills they used to have. (imo)

just accept it, old times are gone
and well, I was ever "big" fan of only one player - aCoZz <3
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