holland ahahahahahha

rofl, such a bad loosing . ahahha.
whine 24/7
They mad
they never heard the word fairplay
part of tactic, they were just to shit to compare with spanish players so they decide to kill them ^^
OMG you bind realy ppl here dont know whit abaut sports ineasta facking heitinga and de wiel both whitin 5 mins you did not see that :S??? 1 yellow carded and 1 red and thats fairplay
Now try to speak english pls thank you
i didn't say that spain played perfect, but the netherland nearly beat the referee's after the match is reallly unfair, sneijder put his hand against a referee and if a teammate didn't stop him dunno what happend then. and whats up with de jong in ~min 20, he kicks alonso in the stomag -> clear red card and with only 10 players in minute 20 the game would be different ....
ur completly right but letting the ref not see ur fault is a skill to and spain is master in it
ye there were some mistakes in the game, but all in all i think this referees did one of their best matches in this WM, they can't see things that youself see after the 3rd slow motion ^^
for me spain played a bit better in the final and deserved it, that it will be fuckin' close was expected.
look man fifa is a corupt compeny rugby AND hockey play whit video and those games are still getting played hard the fifa can decide whit referees who win matches whit camara its offside or its not its good tackle or bad its yellow or red you know you cant argue whit video refree now you can and thats so retarded i do think i could be a better game if spain scored or holland then the teams would realy start to play good football it was a bad pitch + bad ref + both team playing bad overal this word cup sucked...
but you can't look after every foul or sticky situation a slow motion, that would kill the game with all these pauses in the match
plz watch some rugby then ull get an idea... they wont do it like that just chek it will make the game motch better no offide goals an d all..
where is portugal?
check a map ö,ö
yes thanks finally someone answered
near jamaica
they just got a goal because NL didn't get that corner from that free kick n the ref didn't see the offside (note from the goal but just before it).

Spain played good, but it should have been decided with penalties.

N ofcourse I'm saying this but spaintards would do the same if it happened to them, but in general it's the World Cup of the bad referees. Who decides to let a stressed referee with family problems do the final.

Think Paul paid the ref she he would be right :P
ohshit, mongol belg tegen stoner hollander

dit gaat niet goed komen!
next final with Netherlands turn your screen on
atleast it wasnt decided with lame penalities :-p
couldnt agree more.
como se não tivesse razão lol -.- n percebo cm e que portugueses podem apoiar espanha lol :)
simples..perdemos contra eles ao menos que sejam eles os campeoes, logo, perdemos contra os campeoes :)
acho que se tivessemos mister decente íamos a final
alguem disse o contrario? lol
oh krypto os espanhóis nao perdem uma oportunidade para nos pisar e tu queres o bem deles? só tenho uma nação a partir do momento que tamos fora deixei de ver
se deixas de ver é contigo..eu continuei a assistir porque adoro futebol. fossem os espanhois, fossem os jamaicanos, se nos tivessem ganho eram eles q queria q ganhassem
jamaicanos = cool ppl
espanhóis = atrasados mentais
hey i hate spanish ppl too but i gotta say, damn man u portuguesses are the same paki crap shitheads
le o q o krypto disse. e se fores ver ai nos journals esses caralhos tudo o q tinha a ver com pt foi so dizer merda.
portanto agora um gajo tb os pica ^^
oh e os espanhóis? fdx povo de merda
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