Sergio Busquets WC Winner

To everyone who thinks that Spain winning the World Cup is a 'victory for football', may I remind you of one man.

image: FC+Barcelona+vs+CD+Guadalajara+WlCEh9YMFial

journal #1:
journal #2:

Quote by's just officially gone mental. Thiago Motta gently sticks his right hand in Sergio Busquets's face and the Barca player goes down like he's been shot.

Sergio Busquets's winning the World Cup is a tragedy for football.
gtfo thx
Now change my name.
imo he was great in semi (maybe best from Spain) so i dont really care bout that :p
this journal is a tragedy for this community.
Alan Shearer
I wonder who would be worse : Busquets or Van Bommel. Can't really decide, but i'm glad that Spain won since they were the better team today. Netherlands were only hunting for their legs.
Busquets' is worse imo.

Van Bommel is a dirty player, he leaves his foot in to disrupt the other teams' flow. Though, what he does is against the rules, it's also pretty obvious and he leaves himself open to punishment from referees. If he isn't booked then that's the referees fault.

Busquets' doesn't put himself in the firing line of the referee, instead, making the referees job harder by play acting. No place for it in the game imo.
+1 on Busquets part, even though i'm Barca's fan i hate his acting.

It's a shame that Van Bommel gets away with so many tackles, even de Jong's "Jet Li kick" isn't as bad as constant slides, pushing, shirt-pulling from back by Van Bommel. Still, i agree with tyyrd:

Quoteit's not really a tragedy.

players like puyol, casillas, xavi, iniesta and villa deserve to win the world cup.

Also players like Snejider, Van Bronckhorst (for his whole career) or even Robben (although i dislike him, but still he's a quality player) deserve to win the world cup. :P
baggiez is faggiez
Silva instead of Busquets and Spain's victory wouldve been a much easier task to achieve.

And fyi, Sergio Ramos is Spain's mvp

bit ashamed to be a fan of barcelona & spain cause of his actions and now iniestas aswell :C
it's not really a tragedy.

players like puyol, casillas, xavi, iniesta and villa deserve to win the world cup.
Yeah they do, but you'll notice I said that Sergio winning is the tragedy, not Spain.
if barcelona won the champions league it would of been a tragedy seeing as that was the competition he cheated in.

he didn't do anything in the world cup that come across as cheating so i dont think it's a tragedy, sorry.
I was really hoping for Germany - Uruguay final and, to be honest, from the football yesterday that would have been a so much better game.
dont think so, they wouldve been as nervous as both teams today, uruguay was yesterday like, we are aksually proud to be in the consolidation final and we have nothing to lose, germany wanted to let ppl see how good they can aksually football, that wudnt have happend in the final i think, but most likely still a better game then today yes
Yeah, yesterday's game was ten times more entertaining and the quality of football was much better than the final. Too bad Uruguay lost, I wanted Forlan to win :(
It would of been more exciting yeh, but i wouldnt want uruguay in the final, they are cheating scum!
your exaggerating a bit.
You don't make sense
You still don't make any sense
You should quite (:DDDDDDDdd) naming sports.
go learn some dutch then you english twat
I know quite (:DDDDd) a lot of Dutch.
baggiez rolling lol
right and of course you never make any mistakes in dutch

you laugh at ppl who's native language isn't even english, that's pretty... weak?
No, but if some retard is going to dribble broken English at me, I'm going to tell him I don't understand what the fuck he's trying to say.
oh i bet you understood what he said
"Nah not rlly, today it isnt football anymore, its tactics and for the most its fall down, cry, cry, cry"

I have no idea what this means.
you must be a clever guy then.
Ja ik ben slim, slimmer dan jij, dombo
nice da ge een vrtaler kunt gebruikn :D
You mean, Nice dat je een vertaalmachine kunt gebruiken.

de tijd die je nodig hebt om me te replyen vertelt me da ge gene kloot nederlands kunt jong :D
What he said was some what correct, since its not Dutch but Belgian...but I see your point, at least some people know how to write/speak sentences in proper English, even when it isn't their primary language..
Better than Mark Van Bommel winning the World Cup, or the biggest diver in history; Arjen Robben.
Mark Van Bommel aka Paul Scholes?!
U MAD? Not Busquets fault you don't have as good defending midfielders as Sergioboy!

Viva Espana <3
need this gif with busquets and troll face :))))))))))))))
England Gary Lineker

in his whole career, never got a yellow card... winner
Ryan Giggs
apparently :-) haters gonna hate!
saying that when robben is on the pitch. hahaha
XDDDDDDDDDDDDD another guy is mad!
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