somebody up for SC2? :D

sc2=starcraft 2
played a practice match and got pwnt hard never ever played this game before xD..
opponent only built marauders tough :) except for the nuclear strike i was like wtf
u know where i could get a key? or is it impossible? :D
you got nuked in your first starcraft game? that's gotta hurt dude

i haven't played since beta came back up, should probably get a few in
no i was just laughing about the animations and stuff
looks like a lot of fun need to read a guide or something but recieving personal education from gosus soon
i'm playing like mad ... but gtg sleep now :)
so hmmm ... u mad?
mladN goes from ruining HoN to ruining SC2, please stay away from diablo3
dude wat LOL :D
just stay away from diablo3
you told me you were not allowed to flame people or rage about anything so dont challenge my patience :P i can report you very easily
i dont flame m8 :))
screens or never happened
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