Shrek Forever

Watched it yesterday :p 3D wasn't really that visible. The most '3D' effects were in the DreamWorks intro and in the ending song :/ Obviously not as good as the first one but still quite enjoyable. Also it ended in a way to leave the possibility to make another movie (which is shit if you ask me :p 4 shreks are enough).

Anyone watched it already?
nope but i enjoyed watching it when i was younger

did anyone watch the movie "the karate kid" (2010) already ? is it worth to watch or rather nat ?
i did razzah it's actually a lot better than i thought it would of been and it's really modern and up to date too :)
Good night random kid trying to troll
You know me for a long time, the old nicky days (e: in that time you actually sucked fucking hard, but everyone did)
buenas noches
k thx mate :> next week it comes out in german ;) i ll give it a try
why in german ?
i dont dare myself yet to understand it completly :(
dont u hv like english with germans subs ?
nope i dont :[

but i should really start watching english movies with german subs to improve my skills :> and later without subs :]
i wish you the best of luck :)
Hmm i'll probably watch it at some time when I can download it:)

Just watched The A-team, which I thought was also pretty good ^^
yes but your opinion is irrelevant since you really liked the A-Team better then The Prestige
hmm didnt say that rick :P theyre both good and cant be compared as they are totally different genres
you know im sceptic about the A-team movie:<
Ask yourself the question,

Were the fucking sequels worth watching?
How is that a sequel?
i watched yesterday, and 3d was amazing.
Weird but I never watched any of the Shreks, cba to watch a huge green frog and a donkey. :-/
ppl saying its a kids movie have no sense of humour
never seen so i cant say anything
im sorry, i didnt ment to reply aksually :/
since i dont have a 10 years old little sis or bro i am probably not getting the chance to watch a kidsmovie...
So u need a GF:S and tbh its not a kidsmovie
i do have a gf and i saw shrek 1 and that kind of story was enough to judge what kind of movie it is
edit: and my gf is not interested in such a movie as well
I'm beginning to think you don't like Shrek much because younger people than you like watching this movie : /. The first Shrek was absolutely a masterpiece.
True that. I didnt saw last one, but i'll do.
not at all...
and no disrespect to all who love the shrek series.
i personally am a fan of pixar animated movies for example the iceage series, they were absolutely fun but shrek is just some kind of a fairytale story combined with pretty predictable jokes and not my kind of humor at all...
certainly well animated but it neither impressed me nor kept me laughing (although i m a really humorous person)
no offence but german speaking Shrek wouldnt make me laugh aswell ;)
thats another story... i wouldnt enjoy any other movie in polish as well :D

though you re right, english versions are always way better texted than the german translations...
but i think its just a question of getting used to it.
if you would understand polish language, trust me you would enjoy the movie much better than the english version
hmm I might be wrong but I saw note under that movie description that Shrek Forever is last Shrek.
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