congratz to your 2nd place. i wished it would be the first and not such a goal for spain 2 min before end. :/
anyway spain gg, iniesta and xavi great players. (spanische mistfliegen alarm)

too bad worldcup is over, i enjoyed the games and the bets.

and ive got my money back from my lost bet (brazil ffs) because i should learn how to bet and got my 50€ back :p^^

song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcGMwquvWXM

greeetz2 my buddies. love, peace goes out to all <3

happy bloody monday. week just began. 38° here, working hard, going to the lake after work. your plans?
btw the consultants we have here lately are great looking :D:D
hot hot summer! add a random pic for me pls, cant @ work
he was offside, np. Ref was shit.

Quoteu mad?
that wasnt offside -.-
In the same attack there was a passing towards another Spanish player(cant recall the name) who was infact standing offside.

This was flagged but referee didnt whistle it off. Then the ball dropped back and was passed onto R. Iniesta which was a clean goal. Nothing to say about what Iniesta did there.

My poiny is, that R. Iniesta was NOT offside when he scored the goal. Clean call from the referees.

The part where the referee didnt look at his 2nd official during the Spanish attack is a questionable call. Might have been 'advantage'(dunno the good word for it in English :P) as it looked like the attack was over.

Np, thanks adeto.
you and adeto should read the football rules before posting comments.

QuoteA player in an offside position at the moment the ball is touched or played by a team-mate is only committing an offside offence if, in the opinion of the referee, he becomes actively involved in play by

Interfering with play
Playing or touching the ball
Interfering with an opponent
Preventing the opponent from playing the ball by obstructing the player's sight or intentionally distracting the opponent
Gaining an advantage by being in an offside position

he did none of those, he didn't even try to go for the ball, defender just failed in clearing
I just copied and passed, cba ;d
ref was shit? There should be a red card for at least 3 of your players (De Jong, Robben, van Bommel) + Spain should have penalty at the beginning of extra time.
and wasnt offside
at least puyol should have red because he blocked robben his 2nd attack

+ I think it was iniesta who pushed van bommel, shud have had red immediately, got nothing
red card for blocking, and a red card for pushing? 200 years of football and it has never happened and will never happen.

more like red card for v.bommel trying to break the opponents leg and red card for de jong who tried to kill him with his kungfu
puyol would have had 2 yellows, means red as far as my football knowledge knows.

and the pushing was a kind of after kick, which is red right away
u dont know shit, then
im football referee myself, why would I not know about that
Then ure bad as fuck, as a referee. You can't show puyol a yellow card if robben keeps playing and the referee allow him to keep running. If robben would had fallen referee would have shown puyol a red card, i must agree.
you can still give a card after the action has finished, he for example did the same with heitinga's first card.
That was not even a foul.
lol, it obviously was
lol, it obviously wasn't. Puyol slightly touched him...just a normal duel. Is there a better proof that it wasn't a foul, if someone like Robben doesn't go to the ground?!
holding him isnt a foul?
I think you didnt watch properly than.
It was so slightly that it didn't even handicaped him. A normal tackling. Come one....if actions like that are supposed to be a foul nowadays we better call it basketball.
Holding = yellow card, doesnt matter how much. And it was pretty much.
if he had fallen down after puyol tried to "block" him, you could say it could be another yellow but the ref let the attack to continue because Robben kept on going and because there was a pretty good chance of a goal - therefore good decision

what bommel did to iniesta was supposed to be a 2nd yellow and therefore a red and it didn't happen

what iniesta did to bommel(the push) should be yellow but it wasn't

what your division #1 karate kid did would be INSTANT red in any other game but finals, so the ref only gave him a yellow

NL played dirty and lost, simple as that
de jong should have get red, rest of the cards were almost the rest from the cards were bullshit/not justify since spain comes away with the same fouls (excepts the sliding from van bommel), spain should have get tons of yellow for faking and asking for cards.

then im not even talking about the red card of heitinga just another trick of iniesta.
the goal were just 2/3 mistakes in a row. i dont say spain didnt played better than nl. the reff just fucked the game up and the way nl finaly lost is unfair aswell
lol there wasn't any faking involved and every card he gave was completely deserved, he can only be blamed for not giving 2 more red cards

the truth is that NL played dirty...
there was some faking/whining in the first 10-20 mins, after that all justified cards. spain won, we played shit, end of story :p
Quotespain should have get tons of yellow for faking and asking for cards.

then robben should get the red card for scoring a goal after it was offside already
He was in scoring position, but that doesnt mean he cant give a yellow card after.
If somebody makes a bad foul what is yellow worthy it should be given after the advantage situation is gone.
It's a shame that you need to dive in order to get the offending player a card.

Nevertheless, Puyol should've gotten INSTANT RED if Robben did fall. Go read the FIFA rules and maybe you're realise that denying an obvious goalscoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player's goal is an offence punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick plus an INSTANT RED card for the violating player (Puyol).
instant red? no, yellow? yes - if the ref was strict it would be 8vs10 anyways
Dude did you even read what I wrote?
did u read what i said? there was no need for a card because the attack continued

and puyol's action wasn't an instant red but he would most likely be thrown out given the fact it would be his 2nd yellow card already

and to conclude this conversation, i'm here to congratulate you on your new supply ideas, hopefully that crap decision will be dropped by the end of SC
The rockjump? :D
what's the problem?
the problem is that it's blocked
it fucks up the entire base-defence, making the map more shit

the map wasn't designed for that
i have great respect for you due to the work & effort you put into this community but seriously.... that's just totally wrong :D

it fucks up the 'perfect' defense the axis get with a usual good spawntime, in fact, it makes the map more balanced, not more shit - but now with that crap on, the map indeed just became more shit

let's also remove the crane jump, oasis walljump, oasis pump jump, radar main to fake jump, radar roof jump, etc just because it fucks up defense... if a team can't defend itself against a pathetic trickjump then they can either quit whining and set up a better defense or quit ET

also the map wasn't designed to be fixed by people who can't jump
Thanks for that reply, it does have valid points.

However, you're claiming I want to remove the rockjump because I can't do it, and that's wrong. Not because I can do it (well... I can but I have to be lucky as fuck), but because the ET committee (put together after the initial AEF column) proposed it. I only offer them a platform to get their ideas tested out. I read good ideas on crossfire every day from top players, but nothing gets done because they don't have influence over leagues and tourneys. My part in this is that I lead the committee and get their ideas into the testing phase. The ideas came from players such as drago, jere, clown, twidi, dialer, evo, ross, urtier, gifted, ...
you got me wrong, i didn't mean you personally :P i'm well aware of a fact who and what proposed that and I'm betting that at least 3/4 of those players can't even do the jump(really do it, not like only once in 5 tries) but the bottom line is - it's just wrong, the rock is there, the opportunity for a jump is there, it's just a matter of doing it/defending it accordingly instead of whining about it, yea, it's pretty fucked up if you're shooting at main and there's a guy who just jumped at east tower and started shooting at you, but hey, you need to have every area covered and even if you don't, you need to be prepared for it - without it, there's no good defense

+ there are other ways of going over the wall so the attempt is hopeless and weak

e: and the map like supply really does need things which spice it up in such situations.
Good points even though there are counterarguments for them. But after all this is the summercup config, which means a testing environment. We can still judge these things after having them tested out.
Don't push it.

Atleast 2 of Nl's yellow cards were questionable, also for Spain 1 yellow card was a mistake.

Red card for Nl was justified, perhaps the karate-kick by De Jong should have been a red card aswell (altho I really doubt if he intended it like that).

The action by Puyol the second time Robben broke free (judo/karate/wrestling move: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oma9jAyIuSA) should have been a card aswell (atleast yellow, some refs would even give a red) but he got nothing.
Robben was upset for a very good reason.
tbh I laughed hard at Robben when he was thinking what to do while jumping over Casillas - dive or not? :D
Yeh true.

Also the first time he was alone in front of Casillas, I was already celebrating in my living room.

I mean, who, at this level of football, misses that in such a lame way.
same for Iniesta when he was acting like "oooh I need an amputation" and seconds after that he just bodychecked someone from Oranje (couldn't find it on youtube, but this one is pretty the same :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xwuaw3K_4M&feature=related )
Your summary is pretty onesided. :P
I didn't do a summary, I just referred one moment where Nl was f'd in the A by the ref.
If robben had dropped there should've been a red card, but he chose to stay on foot to continue his action to try and score

therefor there was no fault and obv no card needed, Robben complaining about it was just retarded, since he fucked it up himself

I have no idea how he could still stand after puyol charging him though, suprised me a lot
He wasnt offside

and besides, stop making excuses, be a man and face the fact that Spain deserved it more and was the better team

They played an amazing WC, the Netherlands didnt play a single good game, but they won all of their games (except the final obv), thats the important part
Expected more tbh. Both sides acted like 6 years old girls, especially Robben and Iniesta. Anyway I'm happy that Spain won, oranje showed nothing except fouling
it`s raining since 5 am. :(
hahahahaha :) :)
awesome start of my vacation. ^___^
oh unlucky u, just came to berlin
Hell no, won't leave my island :D
rain with island (which one)
sun berlin with spree

pls what?! :D:D:D:D

good luck u have better weaather soon. ;)
I don't like rivers nor lakes. The island is called Sylt, you may know it.
The past week was awesome, so hopefully just a day break. :)
sylt! ofc i heard of it ;) was never there! im big fan of ruegen^^ :D
hopefully you have better weather soon. you should :o
half of your songs in your profile is removed already :-/
i will do a refresh when i have time. thx for telling me
u look totally different regarding one year old pictures :o
its all about hair, I like to change my look time to time
idd its the hair. there were a lot shorter. totally different style!
such things simply shouldnt be tolerated in football... one of the worst fouls on the whole wc
yup, still dutchies keep complaining about the referee :D
I would ban that idiot for a year
best part is right after the kick -- he take his hands up like he wants to say" i did nothing"
It looks more than he was appalled by himself as it wasn't on purpose.
that was nothing
not?? imo it was a hard foul
no spanish dude shouldn't stand there when dutchies wanna kick ball
ofc it was the fault of the spanish guys ;)
uhu whatafaack was he thinkingg :(
Jij laat me weer lachen op zulke momenten :)

die riem heb ik ook
chicks enzo, jwz. Was met nieuwjaar ehehe :o)

Chille riem fniet dan
nothing compared to the face-kick to de zeeuw in the uru-ned game
he has a blackbelt in karate
si mister?...
Iniesta is a fucking diving rat and did not deserve to make the goal.

NL freekick -> fk hits the wall -> Webb calls a goal kick -> Spain scores = Orange tears falling from my eyes

Spain played better tho

Ger > Spain > NL
dont dare to insult the world's best player

shut up nerd
KANKER HOLLAND! image: trollface
dutchies biggest retards ever, they shud learn to play football

eniwai, its raining here , feels kind good + airco in on so cant complain :D
I almost cried
yeah :( sad day
true :(

sexytime to feel better?

pathetic :D
u can ask schnee, she'll tell u that its nothing serious and the we joke around like that :p
first i thought that u sayd it as a joke ofc. but then after 2 min i thought about your comment while searchin for lunch and i laughed. cause i imagined you as a sexless nerd begging for sexytime :D
No man :o) Why do you think about my comment for 2minutes anyways? :p
dunno. autism? :> dunno...

was trying to find the scene of a movie i know those phrases from
it's "erkan&stefan" german commedians.
thanks for cheering me up sexxeh <3
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