the future of soccer..

i'm not too sure about what exactly happens with tactics and such however i know in my country where the main sport, AFL, other teams emulate the tactics of the previous premiers.

my worry is everyone will copy spain, that is try and hold possession forever and not really press for goals..

if this is the case look out for a few boring years in soccer ey -_-

i think u mean football
no it is called soccer in australia and as such i will call it that.
so you mean football
so you mean football
so you mean football
so you mean football
so you mean football
so you mean football
just filling ur inbox
so you mean football
[18:51] eXceed: if spain wins
[18:51] eXceed: I will cut my penis
spain is playing a great and nearly perfect football. i can agree with your idea that "other teams emulate the tactics of the previous premiers". just look at germany. löw and his support staff always said they want to copy the spanish system as this is the best of the world at the moment. they just started to copy it after losing against spain in the last ec final in 2008. of course each nation has different players and that is why you cannot copy it 1:1, but with the given players you can "make your own version" out of it. i like the spanish system, as well as i liked the german matches this world cup. we only saw three really nice playing teams, spain, the netherlands and germany. two of them played with an similar tactic, so this was definitely not the wrong system :D
You think NL played nice at this tournament? :D
They were the Greece of 2004. Really defensive, especially compared to the way they played before the World Cup.

There were only 2 offensive teams on this World Cup, Chili and Germany.
dead game is dead
spain new italy
I highly doubt that. There are only a very few clubs and national teams who have the individuals to play like that. Furthermore the majority of the spanish are playing together since the youth and got an unbelievable ballhandling, which is pretty much necessary to perform the spanish style as they are standing very offensive and make the running on the line of the back 4. That means any mistakes will lead to very dangerous situations just as we could see against the Netherlands yesterday.

The football will more develop like defending deep, compact and trying to get ball in an aggressive way followed by rushing and fast-paced counter attacks like Inter showed in the Champions League and Germany in the world cup. In addition the phrase 'offence wins games, defence wins tournaments' is outdated nowadays. Football reached such a professional level worldwide that almost every team is able to show a good defence. The offence makes the difference. There will never ever be world cup winners again wich such a gamestyle like Italy in 2006.

I'm much more worried about the softness, diving mentality, lack of sportsmanship and the strict rules in football. It's getting worse and worse. Every fucking tiny touch is supposed to be a foul nowadays. The sad thing is not even the brainfucked FIFA is supporting this kind of football, also the commentators and even many fans and users on crossfire seem to agree such kind of women football. To make just 2 examples. Robben is a great player without a doubt. But it just needs a slight breath of wind and he's going down with so much staginess. Pretty annoying.

Same about Iniesta - just taking the example when heitinga got sent off. When Iniesta noticed it will be tough to reach the ball he just wanted to get the freekick and a card for heitinga. Iniesta got slightly touched on this shoulder and could have continue his running easily. Instead he went to the ground and even claimed a card - such a lack of sportsmanship.
spain played barça style tbh xavi and iniesta implied it
They did. Did I say sth else? :(
no i guess just sayin, i didnt read that wall of text u know:s
So football needs to "modern".

camera's anyone?
copy holland, best style :)))))
i really doubt that, per example, Brazil will copy them
i hope not
football wouldnt be football if brazil would start playing like that :(
they wont, they just cant play like that :))

edit titel

hold possession forever and not really press for goals..

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