!!!!!!!!VIVA LA ESPANIA!!!!!!!!!!

like in the title it was the most crazy night in my life, never drank so much beer and i have never been poured by the beer like this night. There was like 300 spain guys on the market square in my city, everyone singing and dancing so i did with them, they gave me the flag and teach me how to sing QUE VIVA ESPANIA and others songs perfectly (some guy even invite me for the vacation in sevilla :DD, ive got like 83721 pics with them and at least 100 films on their cameres, i hope to see it on youtube soon + some of them gave me email adress so np!) , we were fiesting untill 4 am, then we went to the club for the party, and again we sang even louder than the music in the club! fucking amazing night, love spain people they fucking rox, I never experienced such a thing!

image: Alfaro-Fiestas

nerd posting his journal again, otherwise it would go down :(
Dutch people > Spanish ones :)
[18:51] eXceed: if spain wins
[18:51] eXceed: I will cut my penis
I told you I already started.
like you know some spanish people,angry kiddo :DDDD
I actually do, retard ;)
that unique guy doesnt count,mongolface :s
I don't have friends over the internet like most of sad people here do. So, instead of trying to troll me, you may get cancer and gtfo. Congrats with your epic wc!
nerd posting his journal again, otherwise you would go down :(
Dutch people > Spanish ones :)
Nice repost
expected :)
he ben elle est contente on dirais ^^
casillas wtf
its his wife btw :P
lawl are you serious? :D

can someone translate it? :D
i am serious :<
would give my f* little finger to experience a wc win :D must have been an amazing night idd & gratz:) right winners and great footballers
Viva el Amoooooooorrrrr!!!!!!
haha nice =))
"There was like 300 spain guys on the market square in my city, everyone singing and dancing so i did with them, they gave me the flag and teach me how to sing QUE VIVA ESPANIA and others songs perfectly (some guy even invite me for the vacation in sevilla :DD, ive got like 83721 pics with them and at least 100 films on their cameres, i hope to see it on youtube soon + some of them gave me email adress so np!"

Reading this and then seeing your profile fanboypic is such a wrong combination.
so,this was your first time partying right?
like this, yes.
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