Books needed

Since I'm going on vacation and I'm not going to sit at the sea the whole day, I need some books to read. Don't rly care what genre, but I mostly like Fantasy books, or more Mystery ones. You know, like those of Dan Brown, or books like those from Tolkien, such things.
read LOTR.

Will take you some time :)
did so already :D Well, read The Hobbit, and the first one.
My latest read:
image: 0684819066.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_
u fucking lazy bum, do some effort and watch the movie
did that too, after i had read the book
movie is epic
book is always better.
thats because when you read a book, its your imagination working and after this you want to see the movie and you are dissapointed
how could READING a book be more lazy than watching a movie? im confused
Bring a laptop/phone/iPhone/iPad and read Crossfire every day like a true gamer.
the last mohican
Andreas Eschbach - one billion dollar

the godfather mario puzo
godfather great!
other me not knowing
brilliant book the other one!

godfather my fav
still have godfather here. stole the book form my ex xD
it was one i ordered on ebay tbh after watching the movie
i once made a terrible mistake. read "Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag" (The Cider House Rules) and 5 minutes after i finished the book ui started to watch the movie. it was so much bullshit

the book is great though :>
same for the jury. the book is much more better
image: gardensofthemoon
Best High Fantasy after Lotr
First I was: "Nice, somebody else who knows and appreciates Steven Erikson."
Then I read your comment about how LotR is better and I was: ":DDDDD"
Lotr is better because its older and most stole from it.
But i prefer Worm of Ouroboros over Lotr but makes no sense to name books people dont know and will never read.
No offense, but the "it's older so it's better"-argument is stupid. And Tolkien stole just as much from earlier writers, so that's a pretty stupid argument as well.

Besides, it's not as if Erikson stole much from Tolkien. If he stole something at all...

"The Worm Ouroboros" is actually on my reading list but the website I always buy my books on has it in "reprint" for months now, so no luck here :-)
try to deny that the fantasy scene would exist without LOTR :P
Fantasy-scene would definitely exist without Tolkien! Look at E.R. Eddison and Mervyn Peake for example. They wrote their material before LotR.

What we CAN agree upon, is that Tolkien's work heavily influences the fantasy-genre and that it would've looked hugely different if he never published his stuff.
okay i agree
case settled ;)
Piege, u so crazy
Why that ? :<
Lee Child, Jack Reacher thrillers

nice reading material
I'll look for them, thanks :)
youre welcome
read some lawbooks, then tell me whats written there!

and i need to know it by next week! so hurry :D

hf on vacation :D
Will be an enjoyable vacation !
hopefully for me too, got 3 months :D

just have to write one little thingy with approx 25 pages, so like 3 weeks of work and then 2,5 months VACATION!!!!!
Damn fun yeahhh !
porn/donald duck/Boeken die je voor school moet lezen volgend jaar.
fijne vakantie :PppPPp
when i was younger i read a lot of those shadowrun books

discworld stuff is great too

but im not into fantasy/SciFi that much
ja mann! hab früher mal mit würfel, stift und papier rollenspiel generded :Ü
mach ich immer noch gelegentlich, hab noch ne DnD Gruppe :D
Shadowrun hab ich auch ne zeit lang gespielt
oh, nice. bei mir ists schon lange her, hat aber jede menge spass gemacht früher :)
n kumpel von mir auch, war sehr lustig wenn er dann immer in sein comicladen gerannt is und mit dem verkäufer mit irgendwelchen komischen begriffen gefachsimpelt hat :XD
hähä, ja, die RPG-nerds haben halt auch ihre eigene sprache xD
try these :þ
image: another_noteweb
There's a serial killer(Beyond Birthday) loose in Los Angeles and the local authorities need help fast. For some reason the killer has been leaving a string of maddeningly arcane clues at each crime scene. Each of these clues, it seems, is an indecipherable roadmap to the next murder.

Onto the scene comes L, the mysterious super-sleuth. Despite his peculiar working habits-he's never shown his face in public, for example-he's the most decorated detective in the world and has never tackled a case he hasn't been able to crack.

But this time he needs help.

Enlisting the services of an FBI agent named Naomi Misora, L starts snooping around the City of Angels. It soon becomes apparent that the killing spree is a psychotic riddle designed to specifically engage L in a battle of wits. Stuck in the middle between killer and investigator, it's up to Misora to navigate both the dead bodies and the egos to solve the Los Angeles Murder Cases.

image: hannibal_rising
Lecter is eight years old at the beginning of the novel (1941), living in Lecter Castle in Lithuania, when Operation Barbarossa, Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union, turns the Baltic region into a part of the bloodiest front line of World War II. Lecter, his sister Mischa and his parents escape to the family's hunting lodge in the woods to elude the advancing German troops. After three years, the Nazis are finally driven out of the countries now occupied by the Soviet Union. During their retreat, however, they destroy a Soviet tank that had stopped at the Lecter family's lodge looking for water. The explosion kills everyone but Lecter and Mischa. They survive in the cottage until six former Lithuanian militiamen, led by a Nazi collaborator named Vladis Grutas, storm and loot it. Finding no other food, they kill and cannibalize Mischa, while Lecter watches helplessly. He blacks out and is later found wandering and mute by a Soviet tank crew that takes him back to Lecter Castle, which is now a Soviet orphanage. Lecter is irreparably traumatized by the ordeal, and develops a savage obsession with avenging his sister's death.

Lecter is removed from the orphanage by his uncle, a noted painter, and he goes to live with him in France. The happiness of their lives together is cut short with his uncle's sudden death. Most of the estate is taken for death duties.

Lecter goes to live in reduced circumstances with his Japanese aunt, Lady Murasaki (cf. Lady Murasaki), and they develop a special, quasi-romantic relationship. While in France, Lecter flourishes as a medical student. He commits his first murder as a teenager, killing a local butcher who insulted Murasaki. He is suspected of the butcher's murder by Inspector Popil, a French detective who also lost his family during the war. Thanks in part to Murasaki's intervention, however, Lecter escapes responsibility for the crime.

Lecter divides his time between medical school in France and hunting those who killed and cannibalized his sister. One by one, he crosses paths with Grutas' men, killing them all in the most inventively gruesome ways possible. Eventually, Popil arrests Lecter, but Lecter is freed when popular support for his dispatch of war criminals combines with a lack of hard evidence. The novel ends with Lecter going to America to begin his residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.
hannibal rising was nice read idd
the magicians, really nice read!
Ringworld, my favourite book of all time! :>

also read Darren Shan's books, I fkin love him

also, a lot of harry turtledoves alternate reality books are savage as well
I think I've already read the Darren Shan novels, about the vampirethingys, was quite epic to read !
I think I've already read the Darren Shan novels, about the vampirethingys, was quite epic to read !

Yeah the vampire series was good, but his Demonata series is even better. (He's just finished it and started writing a new series) It's about Demons and our univerise vs their universe.. it's just fucking epic, read it!
np, I'll go get them right away :D Btw, kinda reminds me of The Imaginary episodes from south park, dunno :p
I guess so :p if you liked that you'll love these books x-D
"The Once and Future King" T. H. White

some classics
anything from lovecraft
crowley - diary of a drug fiend
fight club
wir kinder vom bahnhof zoo
harry potter
fear and loathing in las vegas

you forgot illuminatus ;)
Basically picked books that you had seen as films, right?
nope, i always read the books first, then watched the films, except for lotr
I find that a little hard to believe given how different the authors you suggested are and how most people (i.e. Piegie asking for fantasy) read the same genres and writers; guess it was just a coincidence!
I know that it's hard to believe, but i like reading books that had movies made after them just so i can compare how i imagined things in my head, and how the director of the movie did, most of them were suggested to me from my dad's gf.

also, i read a lot of different book genres :)
most of murakamis books are total win. loved reading them <3
try to read all harry potter books xD
Did so, np4me
harry potter
Currently reading :

image: 0671201565.01.LZZZZZZZ

Great book.
last book I read:
image: x4639

although slightly outdated on some parts

- Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time (12 books atm, 14 predicted)
- Steven Erikson's Tales of the Malazan Book of the Fallen (10 books or something)
- George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (4 books so far)
- Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth (11 books or something)
- Terry Brooks' Shannara-series (popcorn fantasy, multiple series in the same world but different ages, ~15 books so far)
- Stephen King's The Dark Tower (7 books)
the road
Try Berry Eisler's John Rain series (written by a former CIA agent, thriller as real as it gets without any of that Tom Clancy bullshit)
or John Katzenbach's The Analyst
Dean Koonz' The Good Guy
Harlan Coben's Caught
stephen king alles is eventueel
image: alles_is_eventueelimage: 500_Back

14 korte horror-achtige verhalen =D stephan king ruled zoiezo
Terry Pratchetts' Colour of magic
If you like LOTR, I highly recommend Silmarillion.
divina comedia by Dante. will take you some time and is a classic
He is looking for a holiday read and you suggest Dante...
Unfortunately, the fantasy genre does not have many good writers; try David Gemmell or Andrzej Sapkowski, or if you are pushed someone like Ursula Le Guin. I doubt you would be interested in what I am reading at the moment so I am not going to mention them.
It has enough of them to keep a person satisfied for months/years (depending on the speed at one reads), then again you probably have a different definition of "good authors".
Yes, I have a different opinion about what constitutes good writing but I think it would depend on what definition people in this thread use for fantasy; this is the reason I did not mention C.S. Lewis, for example.
harry potter 1-7
sci-fi : Frank Herbert - Dune
fantazy : Sapkowski - The Witcher saga
image: DerSchwarm

best book ive ever read
I liked the book, but the ending sucked :P
mein kampf :PP
read the johannes testament.
John Grisham pwns all
Plop: de loopwedstrijd

image: 39860414_1
nice could you tell more about it :o?
well, Plop organised a running contest and kabouter klus wanted to win but couldn't run the fastest and his going to try evrything to win so his a cheater!
lol hax ban!
Kabouter klus is always trying to cheat... Hi's like the Poland of the kabouters
Don't really read mystery 'n not read much recently but all these are decent;

Youth - Coetzee
Start For Ten - David Nicholls (maybe a bit too English)
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Larsonn (very hip atm - 'n brutal anal rape!)
The Man In The High Castle - Dick (v decent but a lil confusing)
In what way was The Man in the High Castle confusing?
It's not following the linear story - I just came away from it thinking there should be some deeper meaning but there wasn't, long as you picked up on where the Japanese chap accidentally transports himself into our universe when contemplating the American jewellry - so you know that this is actually happening somewhere, rather than just being playful aternative history.
I agree to an extent, and would say that it would have been a lot more interesting if it had been located in Europe rather than America (the odd reference to Europe was interesting, especially with regards to what the Nazis did to Africa), though I suppose he could not have done experimented with 'Japanese English' like he did.
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