about 1stCav...

Just wanted to ask you guys, is 1stCav a well respected multigaming of the normal polish guys or...? Asking because they have a team in Combat Arms what is really suspicious. 1 obvious aimbotter is there and the others are maybe just lucky. We played with them on ESL, still won but the fact the aimbotter guy killed everyone of my best players is just too annoying. Since like 1 month he is so good, before it he sucked, he said he got a new PC thats why he owns now. So is there anyone from 1stCav or should I write to them and send them to hell because of supporting cheaters?
Combat Arms what?
Who is that again?
gayest person on cf guess
you still play it?! wow, thats what i call stamina ;)
elvnpath said he could beat The movement with his eye's closed

and lol'd you no.1 in eu or something
elvenpath was good, mainly with sniper (what counts nothing at official leagues since noone use it) but our players are much more outstanding
still don't know how you don't know gravity/Peju he knows you :) and so does RA1DER
do they have other nicks? i remember a gravity guy but he left long time ago. about Ra1der i dont know, maybe we played pubs or something
Peja was the croatian one right?
Yep team croatia .wc3
yo Trev! maybe their combat arms squad recruited some bored ET players, since you left the 70% of noobs became prowizardsuperexpertskilled!
described gaming with 111 words you just did

TREVZ ITS ME JOHNNy :P u still play it?
lol yeah, but leaving soon.
whys that? i was in hingary 2 weeks ago bought more than 10 l of tokaj :D
never heard of them, big polish orgs are afaik: Fear Factory, DELTA, Frag ex, PGS
Hello everyone,
And Hello Treviz... First of all i want to say something about my multigaming. Or maybe i won't only talk, just give you a proof that we aren't a newbie organisation.
- http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=clan&mode=item&id=2302
This aren't our all achievements. Just these which are on crossfire. We have more achievements than you think.
Nemesis- said that "big polish orgs are..." - i think that you can add our team to your list.

Secondly and lastly, i want to say that noone of our team, has hacks, cheats, aimbots, etc. We have only good players which are 100% clean. We are playing on working Equality on ESL's matches and will be playing soon on WOGL too. Maybe then you will see that we aren't cheaters. There are many players, also in ESL league which are more stinking than anyone else. We train hard, play fair and for sure don't have cheaters in team.
Greetings from 1stCav eSport Club.
not seeing pvt_strzelu is cheating is a fatal mistake... MAN, he was low (ok not low but never a good player, never near to highskill) a month ago and now he is top at every maps and owning everyone (according to him new pc made this skillboost)... its just weird how polish supertalent are coming from nowhere, same happened with ptrk then he got busted at wogl... destiny
Hmm... We will see, if pvt_strzelu will be banned like Ptrk... I am 100% sure that he won't finish like Ptrk.

You said:
"he was low(...)a month ago and now he is top at every maps and owning everyone(...)its just weird how polish supertalent are coming from nowhere(...)"

You know why? Because earlier he has maximum 20fps's in Combat Arms and also because that he wasn't in any clan.. He was playing only 4fun on Alpha and Bravo servers. Since few months he started playing in our clan, then he started playing on Victor, and then you met him first time.
And as i said on Nexon Forum, He isn't noob. He was playing many years in different games like Tactical Ops...

Trev, start believe that there are many players, which are better than you.
I have 4 players in my OWN team who are better than me lol. Dont come up with this shitty reason, I'm not a god or something. (though that i play with 30 fps and i would be much better with a better pc). You can tell me that strzelu improved a lot logically and mentally while he got into your team but his aiming is unbelievable so I still dont believe in you and your teammate.
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