
QuoteThe game takes place on a mysterious island known as "Katorga-12" where Russian experiments involving "E99" took place during the height of the Cold War era. Sometime during 1955, a terrible catastrophe known as the "Singularity" occurred on the island[4], causing the island's very existence to be covered up by the Russian government. The player controls Nate Renko, a Black Ops soldier who is sent to investigate bizarre radiation emissions coming from the island, only to crash land there. After regaining consciousness, Nate finds the TMD (Time Manipulation Device) and discovers that the island is constantly shifting between the time periods of 1955 and 2010. He also encounters Victor Barisov, the scientist in charge of the Katorga-12 experiments who reveals that a man named Nikolai Demichev is on the island to try to restart them on a much larger scale, which could cause an unthinkable disaster. During the quest to stop Demichev, the player will have to deal with hostile Russian forces in both time periods, and the hideously mutated flora, fauna and former residents of the island, some of which have developed time manipulation power of their own.

image: 956435_117836_front

I'm in the middle of the game, and so far it's great. The start was a little annoying and slow, but it didn't let me down. Great game for players who likes Sci Fi, Bioshock series, general FPs and horror themes. Give it a shot!

stopped reading there.
So you watched and read everything but my last sentence, cool. Activision btw provided decent games, so I don't know why you are crying.
y that was quite a trap but i saved 5 seconds of my life.

activison is average now! could buy ski-jumping from RTL Games and will have same satifaction. THAT is what is bad about activision atm
they are failing since quake4
Singularity is a decent game.
ok. i can respect opinions of others ;)
Singularity is a video game developed by Raven Software published by Activision

Just about sums up the game.
Didn't you like wolfenstein's SP? Afaik none had any relation with wolfenstein's MP, if that's why you are so obsessed...
i liked wolfenstein too. SP!
multiplay was pretty laggy as i can remember and it was strange to aim imo.
all in all not a special and excellent game
Of course it wasn't as bad as the MP but for a 2009 game with years of development behind it the graphics were pretty average and the story was an insult to RtCW. The lay-offs right after the game's release definitely had something to do with this. You hardly see a successful game followed shortly by lay-offs, but then again if Acitivion have something to do with it...But really the SP just about scraped average.
"The SP was amazing...even genious" from your own words :P
got this game .
playin this some time when i got time , nice graphics and very cool story
Did someone say "uncertainty principle"?
Looks somehow uninspired.
all 3 endings are nice. game is pretty short tho.
the ending was a nice idea, with it felt like they rushed the ending too much and didn't care that much...random clip of what happens in a very short brief and the same clip of kathryn swimming and writing the same thing on the book, meh
which one did you choose first btw? :D i killed both, im a bad nigga
i killed demichellis :P (thats his name right? the bad one)
Sounds like LOST.
thought it was about stalker 2
lol the trailer you posted has to be old, didnt see half of it in the game, and there was other monster isntead of big skeleton with a hook.
completed it today after about 4 hours playtime? fucking awfull. and the only decent bit was the end. no spoiler ofc :)
Do you use your eight limbs when you masturbate?
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