CPU/MB question

i was just wondering, what's the temperature of your CPU and motherboard?(average temp)

My CPU is 66 Celsius and my MB is 37. I've been having problems with my pc for a couple of months now. I've reformatted several times on 2 different HDD's and now i can't get windows XP to install on them both. I get the Blue Screen of Death on one HDD when i turn it on normally and the other one goes to the login screen but my mouse and keyboard won't respond(I've tried changing the slots and tried different keyboards and mice)
I don't have a CPU.

which cpu u got?
some amd's are pretty hawt
66celsius isn't fine at all. check if the hdd's are also overheated!

and check the SMART stuff of the hdd's .. do a /chkdsk /F /R /X to see if they
have sector failures and to get them fixed or more 'marked' ..
i can't start windows on my PC(read problems above) to do those checks, and idk how hot my HDD's should feel :/
Core temp: 80 degrees celcius

I have a temp of 50 at both CPU and mobo, 60 at GPU.

I'm blaming the damn heat!
image: speedfan

After playing ET for 3 hours and MoH beta before that.

PC's been turned ON since around 19.00CET
use http://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/
more accurate.
combined with

But if you want to know if its ok.
Nothing wrong with your values in speedfan atleast. Quad is allways hot. If your temp is below 65 it's fine for quad imo.
coke said than prolly the RAMS are failing
first, if you want some real help. You need to paste your specs first.

But like allways

check your cooling, clean fans with compressed air, re-attach the cpu cooler with new thermal compound, remove old with alcohol or terpentine. Upgrade cooling if that isnt sufficiënt. To check your cpu values, use coretemp

check your power supply values, with hwmonitor,everest

check your memory with memtest86, burn it on cd/dvd or use floppy
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs)
500 GB
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT 512mb
3326MB RAM
66 is too much for E8400
If i look the specs, if those things i said isnt the problem. After you tested everything, and you dont have fixed the problem yet.

I would blame the motherboard. Since nvidia chipsets for intel arent that good.
Another thing you can try after you have done everything, is to upgrade the bios from the motherboard.

Also dont use IDE/SATA drivers from NVIDIA. Use IDE in bios not ACHI. And make sure you got all chipset drivers( but dont install ide drivers )

Hot ram = BSOD
hot CPU = lag first, then bsod
hot GPU = artifacts

google ur CPU and the intel spec site gives infos about it, max temp and such
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