kamz avi

since kamz got more free time he is motivated to make a new movie...he dont give a fuck if you are skilled or not since he isnt it aswell.

leave him a msg here or pm him #almighty.et /Q Kamz

have a nice night :))
if he has so much free time why didn't he write that himself?
he could make one for me! WARSOW MOVIE!
I've done a warsow trickjump movie :D
He best make me some curry to go with that.
make znarkmovie :)
#wsf.et hardcore
i heard he's making almighty goes to lan soon?
Only if Jinosta doesn't dodge!
cu @ lan mofo! :D
What happened to the epic community movie?!
Got any doubts about it? One of the best moviemakers out there...
I'm just interested... :s
ive kept all my kicks from bio on demo, if you made them into a movie it would be a full 2 and a half hour oscar winner!
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