
one of my best mates neices was in this car crash on tuesday night.

now why the fuck is anyone over the age of 60, not made to resit their drivingtest in the uk? and every 5 years after that? to make sure the senile old fucking wankers who cant remember where they live, are not allowed to drive on any road if theyre not fit to.

he lived for 80 years, when these 2 lovely girls were killed at just 19. fucking rediculous.
:( know exactly what you mean
i mean, he drove down the wrong way on a motorway. the senile old fuck probably couldnt tie his shoelaces, but he was allowed to drive a car LEGALLY? its mad.
i think 75% of car crashed i hear/read about are caused by some old people who are deff. too old for driving :/

didnt they already wanted to make such a rule some years ago? i remember that i read smth about it: people with glasses and old people (and some more) should have to re-do a test every x-years
"people with glasses" yeah right. Fuck off with that. Glasses do not affect your driving skills
everyone should have their eyeset tested regularly if they want to drive, but making people with glasses have to retest their driving is a retarded idea
QuoteAn investigation is currently under way to establish the full circumstances of the crash.

What the fuck for? They're already dead.
it's to check if there was anything that may have misled the driver, to prevent reoccurance

i guess you actually know that though :D
Ye I know, but still, it won't bring them back to life. Only Louis de Pointe du Lac can do that. :D
I remember that 85 year old guy driving into the entrance of my company's building cause he forgot how to break.. luckily no one was hurt, even though he was driving up half the stairs :D

his car got repaired which took like a week, so he went to the garage to ge his car back. when he was driving backwards from the parking lot of the garage he hit another car xDDD

there should be some sort of test for old people idd.
thank god my grandpa said "now im 70, i dont need a car anymore - her my boy you can have my car" and me was like "oh, kthx" - since then he never drove even a meter and im allowed to drive his Mercedes E-Class (if the gas wouldnt be so damn pricey :x).
I'd say it shouldn't be limited to people over 60. Everyone should be retested every 5 years - there are an awful lot of substandard drivers out there, tbh, it's a complete liability. :/
5 years is way too long period to test things like this. 2 years are best imo.. unfortunately most governments are afraid of setting up such a system.
Only if they made the tests free.
How is this any different from paying road tax, or motor insurance, or any of the other expenses associated with driving? No reason it should be free - it's going to cost money somehow, if it's free for the drivers then other people (including non-drivers) will have to pay for it through taxes anyway.
It's completely different. You pass once and that's it. End of.

It's like passing your GCSEs, A Levels and higher, but then being made to re-sit them every 5 years just to make sure you could do them which a lot of people would fail.

A lot of older drivers say they wouldn't be able to pass nowadays.

There would be other ways of keeping drivers in check, it's usually just eyes and vision and reaction time, there should be some sort of minimum level requirements.
QuoteA lot of older drivers say they wouldn't be able to pass nowadays.

And that is exactly why this is important. If they can't pass a test, they shouldn't be on the road. Most people don't realise just how ridiculously dangerous driving is, because we do it so often it seems commonplace and, thus, risk-free. It's by far the most dangerous thing most of us do on a regular basis.
Can you reply to the full text instead of pulling out one sentence?

What I said still stands.
I'm at work, so I really don't want to be writing essays here, but I'll answer a bit more.

A number of points. Firstly, your equivalence to GCSEs is all well and good, but misses a fundamental point. If you got a maths GCSE, but forgot how to do maths you're not going to kill somebody; if you got a driving licence but forgot how to drive, you may well. It's nothing like the same.

Secondly, a lot of older drivers were originally tested decades ago, when roads were completely different and the testing procedure nowhere near as well developed. This is obviously a problem, as what training they did have is completely inadequate for modern roads.

You'll know if you do any job you're expected to retrain regularly. If I want to work on site I have to take a two-day safety course refresher every year, and that's not really much more dangerous than driving. You'll find that with pretty much any activity with comparable risks (especially where there is the potential to endanger others), and yet somehow driving is an exception? Why?
I feel your pain about not wanting to write an essay. To be fair it's a good point regarding the regular training but I think regular training is different to a regular test, maybe some sort of regular check up?

I just think a regular driving test is a bit OTT. Unless your also thinking of some sort of regular drivers course?

The only reason I think it is OTT is because if I had to take another test now, and failed, it would make it very difficult to take after I passed previously. A solution obviously would be "not to fail", or maybe if you don't pass, you are given an amount of time to get yourself up to scratch before you have to have another go but can carry on driving in the meantime.

Problems & Solutions.
at £60 a test with a 2 month waiting list (locally for me at least), that's neither efficient nor likely
Well obviously if there were tests every 5 years for all drivers the costs would be decreased and the availability of tests greatly increased, that's just logical.

Yes, it would cost the government more money, but it would help a lot with road safety.
I think we should all ride bicycles like in the NL, much safer, much healthier, much cheaper, much more green! toned thighs are well sexy too - did i mention that we have too many fat people in britain? more bikes, less cars!

Seriously though, it'd be completely unnecessary for most drivers, thus a waste of money
60 is harsh but yes i 100% agree with u, retirement age is when they should be tested, imagine if you were 60 and failed thats your job everything, i also think the test should be different, more a gauge of ability not if you hold your hands perfect on the wheel etc
yeah, but imagine if you dont sit a test and run over some 8 year old cos your eyes and reactions are crap....
i completely agree mate i just think 60 is still not that old :) afaik those with bad eyesight do have to be tested to drive?
I do believe you are right, I think after a certain age these people should have to do something, maybe have a free driving test? Or something to just check up on them, regulary.

People give the younger drivers a lot of shit, when after passing my test only recently, it's the older drivers who are most dangerous.
feel sorry for him and completely agree with you, but i don't think it should come entirely down to old people - a lot of people should have their eyes tested after a certain amount of time, regardless of age

there are so many situations where people just SHOULD NOT be allowed on the road, lest situations like this reoccur
i totally agree, and i guess my judgement on this issue is just a bit red and cloudy with rage right now, but i think even if it saved 1 unnecessery death, it would be worth it. ive seen this family now and the state theyre in, and i dont think they could put a price on having their kid back mate :(

perhaps like aforementioned, a free driving test, it could be tied in with the local GP as more of a fit to drive thing, not sure, but this is happening more and more and its just crap.
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