Skybox Rifles

The rifles that fly over the whole map and occasionally get someone on full with a lot of lotto.

Most people I know want them removed (yes even people that can do them), FAR more than want the main rock trickjump removed, and yes this has been suggested by "ET COMMITTEE" members.

Thoughts on these? Keep or remove?
Remove them
Part of gameplay and takes skill, keep
I don't see anything wrong in them to be honest.
How about making medpacks dissapear after 3 seconds. Damn medpackstackers on some parts of the map are really pissing me off.

On topic: keep ofcourse..
or just make some super engineerclass with medpacks, ammo packs and satchel charges.

image: Fuck-yeah-2
remove, faggotry
shouldn't remove jumps or this really.
the jump isnt a problem. Now the whole almighty team will fly over westside of main! np4us. The trickshots wont be missed i think!
Why dont you start by banning the scripts used to do some of those shots? they just use a negative cg_crosshairY to avoid the restrictions on making the crosshair move up or down. Combine that with a 180 script and basicly any noob can shoot rifles across the map and always hit the exact same spot.

Anyways, nice troll.

image: image_1278059338
Like you need scripts to do these. I play rifle maybe once a month and I can still pull off a lot of them, bullshit. Mortar was removed for a reason.
Well, it cant hurt to force cg_crosshairY IN [0] =) If you want those shots made illegal, you cant disagree on that :)
lets just delete everything :|
we want the game to be more unpredictable and then we take all the lotto out of it

that doesn't make sens at all, even with highsens
Quotewe want the game to be more unpredictable

no "we" don't, only shitters want that
some important guy even wrote a column about it
no "we" don't, only shitters want that
Then I have no purpose anymore :((((
poor robaciek :<
oh I see what u did there :E
ye remove it, also remove nades cause the spawnskill us with it.. oh and also airstrike and arty cause sometimes u dont see it and still get killed.

if its such a problem for you then wait 3 seconds for a rifle or just dont walk where the standart rifle shots are going to
sure keep, if ppl will start deleting everything by they are getting owned/mad , we will be playing satchel wars only
no satchels are annoying me, remove
remove the whole rifle. BAN RIFLE
i want to see statement from Ati_
remove panzers fucking annoying
lol u want to delete ati's skill? NO
remove the admins ? :D
that would render Ati useless

the only issue would be whether the 'skybox' would affect how improvised distance rifles travel
Implying he's not useless already?
I love you more and more each minute
I could do with a fanboy. They all vanished in the great Baggiez exodus of '06 :(
what rahula said.

check the crosshair location, putting it on that spot makes the trickshot perfect every single time.

and NO i do not use this.
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