le tour stage 10

Portugal Paulinho Triumphs In Gap

image: phpthumbphpc

He was part of an escape group of six that eventually formed after a fast, aggressive start. And that’s when the peloton opted to remain calm on a very hot day of racing. The escape succeeded, and Paulinho was the strongest man. He beat Vasili Kiryienka in a two-man sprint on a day when the GC riders was content to roll in over 14 minutes behind…

why do every portuguese ppl look so nationalistic that its almost annoying

e: that sentance looks horrible, im tired
they don't know the shit about cycling but when one of the only two pt racers in the tour win they make a journal about it...!

kk i'm just mad because aerts and devenyns didn't win :(

E: "He was part of an escape group of six that eventually formed after a fast, aggressive start"
??? different camera perspective i guess???
Awesome try by them though. Btw van den Broeck is not doing bad aswell :o
Yea actually dumb attacks of them, too early...
and vdb is preforming better than i exepected
Haha, nice, Portugese guy won a stage and all of sudden a Portugese gamerpro makes a journal about the Tour de France!
I stoped caring about le tour 4 years ago...
The best cheater wins there, its like ET...
The last one who gets cought with doping will win...
you mad because all the german pro's are too old now :(?
nah, dont give a fuck where they come from, its just that cycling got 10000% more doping infected in the last 5 years than it ever was...
Why cant they just allow doping? Ofc, ppl will die cuz they do and blabla... sport spirit blabla... fkin care, whoever thinks he needs to cheat to win should do that, hope they will die...

Cycling and F1 became the most fucked up sports recently
it has actually always been about doping considering some confessions of cyclists in the 90's... and that it ruins the sport is your perspective of course. I like watching the sport: the tension, the pain, the spectacle... and yea after the race, allegations will always remain a part of it but that doesn't ruin the atmosphere
In the last 5 years cycling became cleaner then ever before.
A few scandals left alone - there will be always people that cheat - the sport became more 'human' aswell. Rides are not over 5 mountains and 260+ km's and the differences between riders has been decreased.
Maybe doping just became harder to detect?
Yes and no. New dope will not be detected soon. However the blood testing (even from their own team) will show the slightest change in rates. If something strange happens in their values they get temporary suspension. If the testing for dope turns positive > kicked out of team and 1+ year suspended.
"IF" they get detected...
I just dont feel the tension anymore...
Its more than boring after my dad and me stopped betting who will get busted next...
come on even if it'd be a bunch of doped losers you can't deny there's still tension (which doesn't mean i'm not one of those "they all take" believers)
well, i dont feel it anymore... I used to watch le tour everyday till 2 or 3 years ago.

But after cases like "doping my bike" with an engine in it and stuff, I dont trust a single one of the ppl there...
If you think they don't cheat in other sports your naïve. Football is full of cheating, diving, dirty kicking, influencing ref, trying to get your opponent a card and if you think they don't use pills and other stuff in football your stupid. Same for American sports, athletics is full of cheaters too, etc...

Well, why don't you stop watching any sport then? Muppet.
need more feedback about the tour plz !
ranking? news.. like rui costa's fight?? ...?
he doesn't like spanish tards and he calls their mother whores :(
bad boy bad education if you'd ask me
Andy will win it !
It was a tactical break day, fucking boring. Yesterday was much better.
It's so annyoing they dont want to decide who is better. Would be much interesting to see armstrong in the escape group, that would fuck up everything ^^

Btw Even I can hold that avr speed that they went today :D
armstrong's morale is way too low his tour is over when the head doesn't want to pursuit the legs will feel like shit

"Btw Even I can hold that avr speed that they went today :D "
not on the same track, otherwise you should definately start riding yourself as an amateur
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