a long peach day.....

so today 3 weeks have passed since I started selling peaches, and this day was one of those "god what did I do to you to deserve this". I started selling around 9:00 am and ended around 7:00 pm, earned around 250 euros which is btw fucking awesome. and ofc the day was filled with weird shit like lost german tourists on bicycles traveling to croatian sea asking for direction, and guess what they don't speak english so all I could do is say danke and auf wiedersehen. and then next u have a guy coming from zagreb asking me to sell him my towel and my bottle of water(where is this world coming to?). next u have a truck driver who was traveling from montenegro to slovenia, he bought 2 kg of peaches and he was boring me with his kick-ass youth stories. that lasted a good 1,5 hours. I don't have to say that 38 degrees and no wind affected my mood very much and these fuckers came like a cherry on the end of an icecream.

tl;dr FU

image: breskva11dp4
yea fuck those germans srsly
danke..... auf wiedersehen
auf wiedersehen danke.....
image: james%20and%20teh%20giant%20peach

lol job
I want some for lan!
I love you! <3 peaches
wats tl;dr?
too long; didn't read

next time, google it motherfucker
thx bro. may god bless you.
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