Green sort of colors

Hay, so I got this problem with greenwise colors. I already knew about the "green smoke puff" but today I recorded sth and it looks like this ( have been experimenting with the colors a little, but the green thingies look kinda a like, perhaps less without any edit. ) :


image: 1415535f790bd95cadf458543520cf81050e006
image: 141553062a4087487d27348f8fa543922e18dc3
image: dyn010_original_595_344_pjpeg_2604311_0d277e4eeed19a1a9f0ef947013b90ab
image: 85474_lindamertens_pmag_200713_017_122_21lo-190x166
well its just dark
too high displayrefresh, you may thank me
I now got it on 75.
was it 75 in your movie config when you recorded it ?
r_colorbits 32
It is 32 in my moviecfg :(
Learn to link a fucking screenshot........
It's a screenshot from vegas, and you can see all you need. srsly
Ye i dont care what is it but learn to link it. U can use [img] tags and use direct link not the one that loads million ads first
Clicking the link takes 2 seconds ... Srsly, what's your problem ?
hate to sponsor shitsites just to see ur fail

I actually only see 1 sponsor. +


This post wasn't meant to show my actual colors, it's meant to show a problem.
fucking retarded or what? This is the link that u should use: http ://
Can't u see the pic on my link ? I actually only want to show my problem so someone could help, and the only thing you can do, is bragging about the imagelinking. You can see more than enough on my link, now gtfo my internet.
ur link loads useless shit so gtfo retard
I only see the site from Imageshack with some infos & options and 1 advert.
But tbh, I don't think anyone here gives a fuck about seeing some options or 1 advert. You see the pic ? = All you need. And now don't start swearing to me like I'm some retard, you started the discussion and now trying to win using words like retard or overexagurating things. Try to come up with some good arguments. If I had posted this to show my definite colors for my project I would have done it like that. But if I have a problem I cba to post it like you said it should be. I just pasted the link and BAM, people see the picture and they give solutions. Noone whining like some kid with an enormous thought of itself.
why would i come up with new arguments since my old one is still working? Using link that forces u to load new site and useless shit (things u mentioned) that has nothing to do with ur fail. I m not calling u a retard to win anything im just stating facts
It doesn't force any new site, get a working browser.
are u that retarded or what? Clicking ur link makes the browser to load imageshack site with adverst and other useless shit...
QuoteUsing link that forces u to load new site

With that you mean pop-ups.
Lal, do you have some hyperlinkphobia ? Every single hyperlink loads up a site.

QuoteUsing link that forces u to load new site

= pop-up
nope if u used img tags and direct link i wouldnt need to load useless shit :)
But I didn't, btw, nice editing your reply.
didnt edit anything :) if i did there would be image: comment_edit image after the time :)))))) fail more retard
the only retard her is you focking fin, go play tetris maybe you can't cheat with that GFTO
oh u mad after getting rolled by me :))
you didn't even roll me 1's, roflmao wher do you see a roll vs me? srlly dude grow up
sure i didnt why u mad then?
i don't even know why i'm replying on this... 1's a tard always a tard :/
are those girls going to lan then? :o
One is living quite close to Antwerpen and the other one is living IN Antwerpen :D Go give it a shot I'd say
how should you know that?
Internets ...
do all girls in antwerp look like this? i might have to just wank all the time...
She is stunning omg can you arrange a meet up for me?
Tbh, that was the Belgian version of Ugly Betty :<

=> normal : image: Veerle-Baetens
meh, i'm not picky anyways we got a swimming pool at our hotel for lan so hopfully be some birds there =]
won't be lots of belgians in that swimming pool :D Lil' tip, walk past the river "De Meir", u'll see enough birds !
looks normal to me
/q piegie
cant see shit captain.
go to the main window in Wolfenstein > go to options/settings > go to system > put video quality settings on "High" or "Ultra high" or w/e
this should work obv.
if not, then you got smth in your config that doesnt suit to high quality profiles (colors/grapphic settings - grapphic card might also be a problem btw - )
It got solved by doing r_fullscreen 0 :D
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