Green sort of colors
15 Jul 2010, 01:12
Hay, so I got this problem with greenwise colors. I already knew about the "green smoke puff" but today I recorded sth and it looks like this ( have been experimenting with the colors a little, but the green thingies look kinda a like, perhaps less without any edit. ) :
I actually only see 1 sponsor. +
This post wasn't meant to show my actual colors, it's meant to show a problem.
But tbh, I don't think anyone here gives a fuck about seeing some options or 1 advert. You see the pic ? = All you need. And now don't start swearing to me like I'm some retard, you started the discussion and now trying to win using words like retard or overexagurating things. Try to come up with some good arguments. If I had posted this to show my definite colors for my project I would have done it like that. But if I have a problem I cba to post it like you said it should be. I just pasted the link and BAM, people see the picture and they give solutions. Noone whining like some kid with an enormous thought of itself.
With that you mean pop-ups.
= pop-up
=> normal :
this should work obv.
if not, then you got smth in your config that doesnt suit to high quality profiles (colors/grapphic settings - grapphic card might also be a problem btw - )