mx518 vs deathadder

After i get mad and throw my g5 on wall i want to buy new mouse.
I decided to buy mouse without acceleration forward ( getting crazy while playing on g5 cuz of this shit ).
Now i'm playing on borrowed deathadder, it's nice but i heared that mx518 is propably the same.
On polish auction and shop sites only deathadder refresh is avaible, but everyone is preffering normal DA.
So what mouse do you preffer, i'm waiting for your opinions.

sry for mistakes if i made any ;P

edit: qpad ct large mousepad
image: 910-000926

Similar material to DA, but with mx518 goodness
it also has batman on it
Well, it doesn't actually have batman on it though.
if you got batman on your mouse thats pretty badass.... will bring up your mouse skills
Yes, but this one just has the batman logo and 'The Dark Knight' printed on it, it's not actually batman.

true but dark knight pretty much = batman, my mouse only says logitech on it, if i had batman or whatever it would increase my mouse skills and make me better to play something else then 3rd league.
interesting model :")
only bad thing about the da is the surface material
well i actually know how similar it is, but its better than the grey brain stuff on normal mx518, more MATTE
deathadder imo!
widzialem ostatnio na allegro starego deathaddera za ok. 150 zl, jak znajde linka to wstawie
i have both , but deathAdder > mx518
I'm gonna start feeding mine now :(
with handsweat
No, with semen remains underneath his fingernails.
with cheese silly
care ;o i just wanna hear that in my journal :< and decide by myself :)
but thanks for link, it will help me to decide ;P
DA = skillboost. Atleast for me
Unless you buy mousefeet on regular basis, than mx518 is pretty close.
yep, and becouse of that i'm not sure about DA
u were the famous one who wrote:
yesterday i bet maus becouse he dont think
No I meant that the mousefeet on a DA don't go off, they are the best ever. The only problem with it is that after a year of use the buttons tend to work less at times.
I love my Mx518, combinated with the Steelseries Qck+ is a stable aim just normal.
This combination is perfect for me. But try your own.

I would prefer the Mx518.
i got qpad ct at this moment :)
Same combo as me :>
played on both, prefer mx518

the mx has a better shape imo. the DA has no groove for the thumb, which would make it much easier to lift the mouse and control it :<

and the mx is way better balanced. if i lift the DA up holding it only with my fingertips it flips backwards :D
for me the da is to wide, mx518 got more hight wich I like

there should be a mouse with changeable shape. i'm not talking about this logitech g9 shitmouses with exchangeable palm rests. i'm thinking about a mouse covered with Plasticine, so it fits to any players individual handshape :D
played on both, prefer deathadder (for mid sens)
played on both, prefer mx518

vor paa wochen mweintste noch deathadder is besser
die is gut aber ich komm mit mx518 noch besser zurecht... :)
spielt doch eigentlich eh' keine rolle oder?
hauptsache panic key funzt :)
haha :D okay :)
played on both prefer DA ;) like you see everyone has another style so the mice differs also
for qpad CT any
take the one which shape you prefer more(assuming that u have g5 i'd take mx518 if you're satisfied with it's shape)
My mousepad is worn out :(
played both and DA is the best ;]
I have a MX 510 with no mousefeet at all because they have fallen off, scratches all over it and Mouse 4 fails to work half of the time.
Deathadder ofc.
Mx518 sucks coz of the prediction
got qpad ct and original DA, works great, only at times it feels heavier if you are used to light mice, but you have a g5 so np there.
I have both =O but prefer the mx518
u should try to hold both, the one which gives u better feeling is the chosen one...
like gaming mouse would give u any advantage :X
I don't like the shape of mx518 so I'm using DA which I think is awesome, exept for the slippery material on the sides
kupuj mx'a, moj pierwszy mx trzymal dwa lata, kupilem drugiego i trzyma 2,5 roku i zadnych sladow niszczenia, do tej podkladki, ktora masz w sam raz i nie trzeba sie bawic ze sterami, poza tym zajebiscie lezy w dloni
i had a g5 and after that a mx518, but both the mouses cable broke after like 2-3 month. And now i got a razer deathadder for like 1 year now:D and i rly like it!:)

logitech sucks, pure crap.
i tak bedziesz jebanym low
da > mx518 sensorwise

the new mx518 sux :(
why does the new MX518 suck?
atleast my nex mx518 has a lot of negative acceleration that you cannot remove

the crosshair moves more to left than right
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