censorship suspended in the USA?

is it true? german TV just announced that there is no longer any censorship in US TV. couldnt find any news in english...

if so, its great! finally titties in american productions soon too? xD

german source: www.spiegel.de/kultur/tv/0,1518,706387,00.html

E: BP finally could stop the oil?

image: tumblr_l5lp6cHPx51qzr53co1_500
i dont watch tv for 2 years :y

have everything i want in zeh interweb :p
find me some english news then please :)
to lazy to go through all...google couldnt find me any :/
added (german), i need an english sauce for it :/
doubt it, those crazy americans
think so, at least it's gonna be reviewed
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