Fps drops?

wuddup cf brothers n sisters

basically my laptop after playing about 15 mins of et decides to drop the 125 stable fps to about 50fps and stays below 70, flickering like shit. This has only started a few days ago and ive had this laptop and been playing et for over a year..

possible causes? i have no idea thats why im turning to you for help

im guessing overheating? or maybe the graphicz card is damaged by the heat? no idea

any help or info you lot give is much appreciated

thank you

image: sexy-babe-3178
r_mode 4
and go !
try to minimize ET after that and check if something is draining ur memory or cpu...
it will be your laptop heating up, when mine does it causes fps drops - put a fan pointing at the vents or something, see if it takes longer for your fps drops to come along
Sounds like its overheated.

e: possible fixes

image: laptop

Normal laptops got mostly a heat problem while running 3d applications
i dont disagree but why would this start a year into the laptop being used?
it does get hot, but it gets hot even months ago when i played, however i never got these fps drops
well, the cooler gettin dirty mostly and loose on power :(
playing on a laptop?
use a proper PC, problem solved.
Problem exists between keyboard and chair.
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