tonight is the night!

am going to eat some dutch mushrooms =) awesome isnt it?

image: moonlight-mushrooms

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image: 34260598
when two become one
Oh how random she is.
my friend told me about that prank before, honestly if someone does it i will love them
Is that jenaveve jolie ?
this stuff looks like pine decoration :PP
random chick could be a nice decoraation for my dick, tho XD
ull die
Moet je niet op vakaaantie
be prepared.
those truffles suck
have fun :D

wish you a good trip
HF by suicide
hawiian, mexican?
those dutch truffels suck idd, i had barely halucinations from them, was great anyway though great bodyfeeling :)
hawaiians are strong as fuck.. never tried them but most of my friends who did said that they're almost as strong as LSD. Yeah also heard truffles sucks hard. Too bad shrooms aren't legal in nl anymore :'(
LSD is still the "best" psychedelic drug there is imo,i prefer it alot over shrooms, shrooms are somehow more creepy and after the trip you feel poisoned like hell LSD feels more pure dunno how to describe it, shame i cant take it anymore =DD
never tried it, never will. dunno i am somehow trying to avoid chemicals as much as possible : D But have to totally agree with you since every single friend said the same about it. Why can't you take it?
took to much once ;<
too bad :[ but u seems to be ok, atleast i hope. Few guys/friends in our town are in a deep mental shit because of overdose, bad trip or fucked up lsd.
ye for some months it was rly hard, but i got out of it in the end :))
nice! Did you ever heard about that ? This thingie somehow saved my friend. I was totally impressed when i spoke with him after he took that. He's totally changed.. able to talk normally, he's not even a bit nervous. His touch and smell is back. Very positive thing imo (am saying that just because he was even more fucked up after 1/2 year at drug clinic, something like commune or something).

sorry for my impressive language skills!
No never heard of that stuff, but imo taking more substances if you have this kinda problems is not the way to go, you have to do it yourself in your head, kinda difficult to explain dunno. And never trust any psycholgists or drug clinics or anything, they will just pump you full of psychopharmaka to have you traquilized. in the end your even more fucked up.... If you want to solve this kinda stuff you have to do it alone, and if you succed it will make you "stronger" (at least i feel like that) :))
rly sad to see how many ppl get fucked by this kinda stuff, the biggest problem is imo that most ppl are like "its ok i can live with it", but that makes it even worse....
I hope u have heart attacks and brain panics.. ;)
ull eat a knife cuz ull think its a carrot...
or suck your best friends cock cuz u think it's a popsicle
thx for sharing
hf man :D
U won't understand anything that is going on though :D
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