toooooo tiredddd

sup crossies?
i need to work tonight from 21-1:00
but iam way too fucking tired, i was drunk the last 3 days in a row, working in a bar is baaaad =D In the end its only 4 hours but still meeehhh
going to order some nice pizza now
what are you doing?

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Wish I could be bothered making something to eat.
1. take out phone
2. order pizza
3. profit
I am completely out of money, besides I think it costs a fortune over here. Well not a fortune like 10 euros probably but it'd be quite a lot to pay by myself.
Fuck it.
same here ill just pay it from the money in the counter trololololol
no worriez i've been drunk since 6 days in a row now! GL with work!
thx mate, atleast i can watch some chix :D
omg true that, i can only watch my own chick and from pron! :D
bleh plastic
I was oddly turned on by that woman.
i am confused if i like or dislike that woman
haven't slept tonight, but 4 hours is EAZY BASH
i am at work from 08:00 and must work till 09:00 so its like 25 h in row !!!
fuck but i need the money to go on holiday with my son and my wife !!!
You really play from your store? :O
yeah i do -- !!! - but only when no costumers here !!
Thats a tattoo wearing a girl
played football for 3h in rain. was coool!
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