6v6 is Back

Everybody attending the AEF or CIC lans, will need to recruit 1 extra member.

Killerboy has stated the following ->

Quote When I was invited to be a CB liaison I was told by Krosan that this committee was going to be just like " vita nova " ( a cod4 committee that actually takes it seriously and professionally ) To my disappointment , I was never invited to any discussion or requested to give my feedback on any matter. I was poorly informed about how the committee made the changes and I actually thought that it would be more organized and more active. Now after reading the logs it has come to my attention that none of what I expected had happened. There were no debates and arguments, it was just a plain simple 'yes'.

For the same reason, Clown quitted the committee. Proposals were never properly tested
( Clown's frostbite proposal was declined without even testing it just because " eVo was strongly against it " - or at least that's what Krosan said ) - it makes as much sense as removing something without testing it such as the main supply trickjump.

Also, it was planned that 3 months ago the test cups were going to be hosted by tourney.cc ( Krosan preferred tourney.cc over CB ) but it never happened. After 2 months Krosan asked me for the permission to host the test cups on CB and I accepted the offer. In the end, nothing happened.

All in all, 6v6 is better than 5v5

:D at least edit it to say 6v6?
trolled hard
6v6 > 5v5 any day of the week *_*
in4 bringing back u|k server if nerds keep trying to ruin the game (removing all sorts of mongol stuff from the game) LoL yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boi
u|k server dead?
I/we shut it down for a few reasons months ago ;{
What is your aka? Your cf profile shows that you are from UK, but you have Miika Tenkula as a name?
What he said, Panda.
aka biggest Sentenced fan LoL oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Haha nice band! They are from my home city Oulu. R.I.P Miika Tenkula :(
thx for information dumbass
Wintercup 6o6?
5on5 sucks, fact.

Idiots killing this game with their shit decisions
f o aleks u tit
Server maintenance in progress
We'll be done before Duke Nukem Forever is released... We promise!

atleast AEF is more proffesional as CIC right croissant?
Would be cool but not gonna happen...
indeed mate :)
What do you think if there would be 7v7 instead of 5v5 :-DDDDDDDDDDD? Crazy shit would be out there :D:D
its 10v10 but only baserace...
Fake logs? Anyway please for the love of god switch back to 6on6.
i wish...
If everyone wants 6v6 why the hell would you search for 5v5 praccs? Srsly go 6v6 only, stop playing 5v5 ladder, stop playing any cup which has 5v5 init?
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