new car
18 Jul 2010, 15:44
i need a cheap as fuck car, as my test is next week and im defo gonna pass but i donno what car to get!! what cars are pretty cheap? :DDD tell me please =D
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
nippy as cold when you get hypothermia in the winter when the electrics fail probably LOL
oh and ofc zhiguli aka lada
driving a twingo myself now, cheap as fuck for insurance :D and it got rather large backseat compared to other small cars
n a friend of me who works in a car garage once said "if everybody drives a suzuki alto I would be without a job" those cars don't break and are cheap as fuck.
with a bit of luck u can even get a GTI :D
If you want cheap: Opel Corsa from 10-15 years ago.
u can get one for 600 euro :s